Bill Cosby’s about the most famous and prolific rapist in human history
Bill Cosby’s about the most famous and prolific rapist in human history
“And Rowan County residents, many of whom are already embarrassed for having voted her in...”
·Asheville is the best! I received my BA from a school in the Asheville area, and I still miss the place :(
“She got suspended for following the directions,” Masri said to HuffPost, adding that “serving alcohol is not a central duty of being a flight attendant.”
“All of them, I’d say.”- Unbearable Jackasses
Bind your head up and read this.
Whenever I see a cute guy wearing one of these things, I immediately think “Come away, and I shall protect you from reality and/or your poor choices.”
In spite of what MRAs like to believe, normal people aren't repeatedly accused of being rapists.
Going through the “I’m gay, but I’m not like all those twinky glittery flamboyant homosexuals” phase is difficult. It’s also the sort of thing you should outgrow by 22.
He don’t good with verbals, being man. SCIENCE.
“No. You seem to suffer from incomprehension. Men and women do have different brains. This is a biological fact.”
'(A) a movie date, at which Cai didn't know how to handle me crying at Interstellar, and at which I tried to explain myself with a mixture of horrifically rudimentary Mandarin and gestures, and ended up tearfully exclaiming something along the lines of "THE PAPA LOVES MURPH"'
It's a character/pet from Saga.
I approve of this message.
Right. I mean, I get that he's just trolling and all that, but it seems so exhausting/pointless. Oh well.
I'll never understand what prompts MRAs to post around here. "Well, I used to consider myself a feminist, but that angry pro-rape dude made some awfully thoughtful comments about hot bitches trying to sperm jack him for sweet rape money. HAS MY ENTIRE LIFE BEEN A LIE!?!?"
I hadn't heard that :(
I like Larry well enough, but I'm not sure stretching out the show would make it much better. Maybe they can give Jon Stewart's place to Jessica Williams? ... (Internal Prayer Monologue) Please let them give the Daily Show to Jessica Williams.