
I’m sorry. Must be hard for you and your family to know that she’s not being cared for properly. For what it’s worth, I think it’s brave and amazing that you mentioned thisPeople need to be reminded that prisoners have loved ones too.

Why are you speaking to me like I’m an MRA when we’re obviously on the same team? Of course we should continue to progress and protect one another. 

I hope you’re right. Only time will tell, I guess. But forgive me if I’m suspicious of anyone who worked alongside those creeps. My response is the exact same when discussing the new regime of American Apparel / Dov Charney alumni. We don’t talk enough about people who enable misogyny. The Camille Cosbys and Dottie

Hi Jan. But seriously, regardless of whether she endorsed misogyny, it’s widely acknowledged that Victoria’s Secret rejected themes of female empowerment and diversity - which happened *while* Singer oversaw the company. We’ve been griping about it here, on this site, for years. And I’d never blame women for the

Former Victoria’s Secret CEO Jan Singer (who overlooked most of this shitty behavior) just became the CEO of J.Crew. I know they’ve been awful for a while, but it still pains me. I miss the queer centric wild ride of Jenna Lyons / Mickey Drexler. Catalogs of boys wearing nail polish and gay weddings. I anticipate

Oy vey. You misconstrued my meaning, friend. The phrase “punching down” should be used only when the powerful abuse the downtrodden. No one is suggesting Billie Eilish isn’t successful. But when you misuse this very specific term, it loses meaning. Like accusing someone of gaslighting because they gave you poor directi

To recap: I mention being threatened with rape and called a dyke in high school, on account of being weird. You respond by calling that melodrama since it wasn’t your exact experience. Because that’s how shit works, obviously. 

Yeah and if men and women were paid equally, sugar babies would not exist. And sex work is fucking hard, dude. It’s extreme emotional labor and requires a cast iron stomach. Not for the faint of heart.

Yes, every woman’s opinion stems from her male sexual partner. We actually can’t think unless there’s a dick inside us. Brilliant speculation that’s not at all offensive.

What’s the first thing a man does to silence a woman? Insult her body. Call her fat. Shame her appearance. Post a photo of yourself so I can scrutinize it, dude. I’m going to behave like a man and offer my ignorant, unsolicited opinion. I am prepared to make a list of everything I find unattractive about you. Head to

We’re just using the phrase “punching down” wherever now, I guess? Because it used to mean someone in a position of authority abusing disenfranchised folks. Not teenage girls defending their fashion choices

Are you trying to learn or win an argument? Ever try listening to another person’s experience? I said that it’s shitty to be silenced with threats of rape, and instead of pondering how that might feel for women, your instinct was to defend that dude and deny his rapey intention. Don’t you think that’s a bit fucked? 

The phrase suck it specifically implies “suck my dick”. (But please, continue to scour the internet for the origin of slang spoken in my native tongue, which I’m better informed about.)

You think criticizing someone’s appearance and talent is... supportive?

She’s not allowed to express her sexuality through her lyrics? Why are you playing gatekeeper to female desire? Teenage dudes are cheered on by adults when they become sexual, but women are policed and scrutinized. Can you not?

I’m 37 and child free, so I’m not connected to this generation. I didn’t grow up with an iPhone or social media. My point is, no matter what year it is, it takes guts for a teenage girl to reject the male gaze. I barely know Billie Eilish’s music, but I know she’s been outspoken re: objectification. Which seems an

Look at you, making a point without referring to me as a cunt or a twat. But you should probably get back to your red pill agenda before the other incels know you’re missing. I’m sure you have a long day of waking into a dirty sock from the bowels of mom’s basement. But hey, at least you got your skateboard, right? 

Except when women disagree with you, we don’t threaten to silence you with rape. Or tell you how unattractive you are to make you shut down. 

You called someone sexist and a twat in the same sentence. That’s the equivalent of referring to someone as a racist and the n-word. Why do you feel the need to mention her genitalia? Can you make your point without hating women or nah? 

Is it possible to disagree with women without commanding them to suck your dick, Matt? Maybe try disagreeing without the threat of sexual assault?