
You must feel super threatened if you felt the need to immediately list your credentials here. My god, please reflect on that a minute.

I’m going to bet that you weren’t a weird girl in high school. If you were, you’d remember how shitty it felt to be scrutinized 24/7. And how dudes were so threatened by us, that nearly every confrontation involved being called a lesbian and threatened with rape. When I see a weird girl, I want to protect her. Why is

But I feel like maybe he would have been, if he hadn’t mailed a bunch of body parts to Parliament etc.

Let us not forget the tedious Luka Magnotta. Killer of kittens and people.

Vincent Li of the Canadian Greyhound beheading comes to mind. Institutionalized less than a decade and now he’s free to roam Winnipeg? Yes, we all have compassion for the mentally ill, but Jesus fucking Christ, Canada. He stuffed a man’s severed ears in his pants pocket to snack on later. Why are my options get shot

Ye olde “Disease of Kings” argument! My knowledge of gout is rudimentary, but isn’t it an iodine rich diet? I thought monarchs got it from eating tons of meat and lovely shellfish + boozing?

Three houses down from me, a son murdered his old man for the insurance money. But he must’ve been sloppy because he was caught almost immediately.

I’ve been on a real My Favorite Murder podcast binge, and a recurring theme is that every serial killer laments his own suffering when caught. Even if they apologize, they can’t help but reference how the situation is actually much worse *for them*. Sociopaths are something else!

I’m not saying I agree nor disagree. We’re so desensitized by the incivility of the Trump administration that we say this evil shit to eachother without thinking.

Wishing mental illness and death on someone’s children is an interesting way to virtue signal. Like bombing an abortion clinic to save the unborn. Just be nice, dude. 

Did you see Erin Carr’s I Love You, Now Die? Michelle Carter is mentally ill too. Granted, she’s probably more in the dark triad territory. The part which emphasized this for me was her mirroring the Glee actress whose partner died. Like, quoting this woman’s grief verbatim. Her neediness alienated all who knew her,

Cosby too, with the blind old man routine. I’m reminded of a friend’s narcissist boyfriend who feigned a seizure whenever she tried to end the relationship.

Lol. But is she still on there?! 

Not saying she isn’t the victor of this divorce. My point is that dude is going to burn through his remaining money hella quick. After he sells his Rolls Royce and fancy watches, you think he won’t contemplate having her killed? Have you read the reports from her staffers who were physically threatened by him? People

Am I the only one scratching my head after reading the Wendy Williams Page Six story? So she’s keeping Kevin Hunter as the beneficiary on her million dollar life insurance policy? Not her son, but the man that’s been accused of domestic violence, who impregnated another woman during their marriage? Girl, no. That’s the

Some women never get to know their own bodies :( We were also super late to the party, historically. The female orgasm must have seemed low priority when we couldn’t vote or join the workforce.

Show me a couple with separate homes and I’ll show you a husband who is cheating his goddamn ass off. That’s the underlying motive here. Either open the marriage or get a divorce. No need to involve realtors. 

My father’s “snoring” was my parents explanation for sleeping apart. Even as a child, it was not lost on me that they never embraced, kissed, or spent time together. I guess culturally it wasn’t cool to say, “We’re sexless companions who would rather not divorce. Let’s ride this shit out til we’re dead.”

I’m sorry that you’re in that position and I hope you’re okay. This fucking country. 

Did you read her piece on discovering her birth father? She mentions hoping to find her half sister, to inform her about the gene. Sadly, I suspect if she had found her we would have heard about it.