
To refer to a 10 year old as “that thing” is so unimaginably cruel that I’m grasping for words. You know the family will likely read these comments? First I read your lovely support of the landlady. Then I hit pending and see this abuse, apropos of fucking nothing. Guess you just needed to spew unprovoked hatred

Trolling a feminist website is the modern version of an obscene phone call. He’s absolutely jerking off on the other end of this. Toggling between Jez and some compilation video that begins with the word “teen”. 

I once had a client from Copenhagen. He told me that just under 70% of his income went toward taxes. But his quality of life was amazing and people accepted this. So you’re right, a freeze would kill us here. But we’ll likely see a meager stimulus check soon. Which will just about cover food, I’m betting. 

I’m sorry you’re going through this. While I don’t have landlord advice, I strongly recommend that you tell friends and family you need help. Yes, everyone has their own shit to deal with. But people who care about you want to know if you’re struggling. Be brave and explain this landlord situation.

Fuckin A, that’s some Great Depression shit right there. But instead of FDR at the helm, we’ve got the rapey combover version of Ebenezer Scrooge. 

In the About Us portion of the Skyhorse site is a bit of praise from Alan Dershowitz, whom you may recall penned an anti #MeToo manifesto last year. Published by Skyhorse, naturally. Bad press will not deter these people. Keep an eye on Ronan though. I’m sure he’s got something up his sleeve. Presumably using his new

I want her to write the obituary for every nemesis I’ve ever had. 

You’re the guy who reads my tattoos aloud, followed by a long pause. As if allowing room for the condensed version of my life story, despite us having met only minutes before. I’d bet my back teeth you’re in IT or an engineer. 

A free pack of toilet paper to the first person who proves that Trump directly profits from the sale of those particular drugs. I’m good for the twelve roll of your choice.

Look, I detest Woody Allen. He is a flying toilet. A prince among creeps. But cancelling Vanessa Hudgens because she occasionally puts her foot in it? Nonsense. If a cast member of High School Musical is your idea of a baddie, please google “North Korea + concentration camp + cannibalism + corrective rape”. And mate,

Hmm. Didn’t Evangeline Lilly pull a Britney style public head shaving within the last year or so? I’m going to file this under the cabin fever of someone caring for their dying parent. Hospice + isolation = saying dumb things. Denial probably gets her out of bed these days. Maybe compassion is a better take here?

Are you shitting me with this? Yes, he is mentally ill. So was Roseanne. Did we continue to give her a platform, even though she was our witty elder for decades? No, dude. Mental illness is an explanation, not carte blanche to spread misogyny throughout our badly frayed culture. 

Totally. It’s hard to think about people detained by ICE too. You know employees won’t lift a finger to help anyone’s suffering. Not sure which would be worse, catching your death in a detention center or eventually being shipped to a place that may have a higher body count and fewer resources?

Seems that behind every pop star is some mustache twirling pimp. Kesha, Gaga, Lily Allen, the list is endless. Amazing how much control the industry still has, despite it’s collapse. I think Amanda Palmer and Kate Nash have the right idea.

You know what the difference between us is? My name, my face, and my social media link are right there. I stand by everything I say and don’t talk shit anonymously.

You handled that beautifully. Maybe his intentions were selfless, but honestly? Probably not. Sociopaths excel at the wounded nice guy schtick. At the very least, you taught him that his behavior scares the shit out of women. Traveling solo as an American really gives you a sense of how firm our boundaries are. I move

Such a thinly veiled threat. He said that in print? I’d be litigious as fuck if I had Grande money. That’s an easy settlement right there.

I’m not sure what to do with the sentence “Realistically not all women are worth defending”. There’s gotta be a better way to phrase that some women are problematic. No matter how shitty Ann Coulter or Kim Kardashian are, I’ll never be okay with threatening them with rape or scrutinizing their appearance. Literally

That’s exactly what it is. Extroverts cannot exist without an audience. If I see one more video of an attention seeking parent “bringing Disneyland to their children”, I’ll run screaming into the night. Because we all know that isn’t what’s happening. Chatty Linda from reception needs validation RIGHT NOW.

Okay, what is your deal right now? No one is chasing Garrett with a pitchfork. So you’re just being contrarian for no reason? How novel.