
All day I’ve been thinking about how in the 90s, we loved her a bit reluctantly. She over shared and made that her brand long before it was socially acceptable. Do you think Cat Marnell would have received a $500,000 book advance 20 years later if Elizabeth Wurtzel had never existed? I doubt it. 

Probably more effective to follow them into a restaurant and heckle them during dinner ala Kirstjen Nielsen. 

It bears repeating that sometimes good people do shitty things, just as shitty people can be capable of good deeds. No one is suggesting he was a lifelong abusive partner. It’s okay to be critical of murder, dude.

Oh how I loathed nu metal. That was a sea change I could never get behind. It paved the way for rapey dudes wearing clown paint. No no no.

That first Rage Against the Machine record was fucking glorious though. It stoked my anger and it wasn’t at the expense of women. 

No shade toward the Lilith Fair crowd, but weren’t you curious about the heavier stuff? We’re probably about the same age and Hole was my gateway to L7, Babes in Toyland, 7 Year Bitch, Lunachicks, and eventually riot grrrl. I liked the women you referenced, but none felt angry enough to satiate me as an adolescent.

But if they were not physically blocked, then they totally deserve being objectified, right? I mean, cAn’T U gIrLS tAkE a jOkE?

Let the man continue his hate reading! He will defend these misogynists with his dying breath, damn it. 

Years ago, my ex made a multi volume box set called The 90’s Were Weird. Highlights include TLC’s Creep, followed by Radiohead’s Creep, followed by Stone Temple Pilots Creep. Also Enter Sandman and MmmBop, back to back.

Can I ask the year you were born? Because I can’t fathom your thinking. Dare I say, the 90s were as culturally significant as the 60s or the 20s.

It’s not their reputation which makes your life harder - it’s their actual behavior.

Am I the only one who can properly envision this dude naked? What we’re looking at here is a pastey Brit with an uncut freckled dick and razor sharp hipbones that leave your thighs covered in bruises. Y’all deserve better. 

The question I ask myself is what am I willing to live with? Open relationships don’t work for me either. It’s unfashionable to say, but I associate polyamory with the Cool Girl archetype. Sure, there are probably exceptions. But I’ve met countless female partners in swinging couples who really would rather not. They

Here’s the thing. We’re not discussing unfaithful women (sure it happens - less frequently, I’d argue). What I’m referring to is a systemic problem born from sexual entitlement. For generations, women were entirely dependent upon men. Jilted wives had no recourse if they wanted a roof over their head. So we kept our

I wouldn’t call your optimism absurd. If it brings you peace, then I sincerely believe that’s wonderful. But speaking for myself, accepting a dude’s propensity to cheat feels empowering. It’s like I’ve taken the onus off myself. Nothing about their shitty behavior reflects poorly on me. Does that make sense? I refuse

Unpopular opinion: Never love a man more than he loves you. Society has imprinted him with a sense of sexual entitlement and this is how they find validation. Their conscience has a trap door. Love selfishly.

For sure. Though in my experience, whether a dude has money or not, the results are the same. If a man has the opportunity to stray, he will. Having the funds to cover their tracks probably helps. But even the broke dudes are lurking in someone’s DMs, trying trying trying.

Agreed. And most will. Which is why I always expect the worst but hope for the best. Heterosexuality is a damn curse.

I’m sure “the lowest moment” of Kevin Hart’s life was not when he cheated, but when he got caught. And if his partner had never confronted him, he’d carry on with his shitty philandering and never give it another thought. In my experience, this is how most dudes function. 

You literally used a sexist retort (slag) in the same breath where you deny Cenk’s misogyny. Imagine if one denied an accusation of racism while using the n word. Essentially what you did there.