
You can’t smear someone by quoting shitty things which fell directly from their mouth. Nor should you feel butt hurt when others are unwilling to forgive those transgressions. Embrace that dude if it tickles your fanny so much. But threatening to leave and never return is very xoJane circa 2013.

I sext for a living (it’s a thing) and men send jerk off videos from the restroom of their job every day. Particularly those who have partners at home. This is what failing upward looks like, friends.

I would never trust this man to create policies or represent my interests. Listen to you fawn over him like it’s water under the bridge. 

Btw, I’m not trying to bust your balls, Shannon. Just griping generally about how this story has been covered. Seems like he’s been granted a level of anonymity that others wouldn’t be afforded.

This story has received tons of traction and yet I can’t find a single photo of this fucker. Where’s the mugshot? Where’s the perp walk? This dude is 27 years old and possesses a fairly common name. Sure, he’s got a criminal charge, but these google results won’t stick to him. He’ll be free to date and plead a case of

Agreed, but these are also white people living in an echo chamber, so they’re seldom confronted. Obviously it’s not on POC to educate. It’s the same with dudes. They legit don’t recognize their objectification until someone patiently breaks it down. Exhausting.

Sadly, you need not visualize. Children in cages is clearly his thing.

I agree that Patricia Heaton sucks. But can we hit pause a sec and remember this article exists because David Hunt is a handsy creep and CBS is even worse? Patricia Heaton is an asshole, who is also married to an asshole, but she did not touch anyone. 

Mercifully stated. Fuckin A, that’s a hard 40. The man has a chin and yet no jaw. Only once in a blue moon does a person’s insides match their outsides. 

America’s hairless Morrissey. Occasional catchy tunes from a self righteous know it all.

Brilliant! I think you’re on to something. Even a narration of an Anais Nin story in said accent would be so satisfying.

Agreed! *slams gavel*

My comment was about feeling relief when men who ogle are unable to verbalize their desire. Of course women can behave inappropriately and I’m sorry this is happening to your husband. People don’t learn unless there are consequences.

I talk dirty for a living and would scrub the word “butt” out of existence if I could. So tame and pedestrian, maybe two notches above “down there”. Men excel at objectifying women. Yet men are shit at articulating their objectification. Thank fuck.

I don’t think you’re paranoid. I was sexually assaulted at eighteen and recall a few occasions that required me to be alone with repairmen afterward. My anxiety was through the fucking roof. If I had a friend going through this now, I’d offer to stay with her until the worker finished. We have to get over the social

I agree that our fellow humans cannot guide us toward enlightenment, but becoming angry with victims doesn’t serve anyone. People who are susceptible to this need confidence. That’s what will lead them to question charlatans and dogma. 

I’m sorry this happened to you. So, did the cops investigate then? I do think you should tell her. I also think it could not hurt to anonymously review his class in a community forum where he (or the business owner) cannot remove and disable comments. Google is forever.

Yeah, but like, can we agree that “women’s intuition” is simply being hyper attuned to our environment out of self preservation? Our subconscious is screeching DontGetRaped! on a loop for good reason. To call that a bias feels dismissive.

These men are predatory bastards and obviously their victims are not to blame, but this is exactly why I will never hire men professionally. Specifically doctors, shrinks, dentists, trainers, etc. I can’t tell you how many appointment setters have pushed back on me about this (“We only have one woman on staff and her

Why would anyone visit a city where homosexuality is illegal and the punishment could mean the death penalty? Or where you could be jailed for reporting a rape? Or where kissing in public might lead to deportation? Or where it is illegal to share a hotel room with the opposite sex? I could keep going. Fuck Dubai. I

Why would anyone visit a city where homosexuality is illegal and the punishment could mean the death penalty? Or