
This happened to me on a shitty third party website. They charged my card and emailed saying that if I didn’t call them to confirm the ticket (within so many hours), my seat would be canceled. Email went to spam while I remained clueless. The worst part was it took them ten days to return my payment.

Alright, so no sitting President has ever divorced. Reagan was our only former President who’d been previously married (Nancy was spouse #2). Widowers John Tyler and Woodrow Wilson both remarried during their respective terms. And James Buchanan never married and was a “lifelong bachelor”.

I vaguely recall that we once had a sitting president divorce. Or maybe it was just a permanent separation. Off to google!

You got it. Bemoaning political correctness is resentment toward accountability.

COINTELPRO, which they claim no longer exists. 

I don’t often cry, but this one got me. Fuck, that’s heavy.

All of this. Also, let’s not forget that she made that atrocious record of Tom Waits covers. Blech.

And the year before Matthew Shepard was tied to a fucking fence post and murdered. We’ve come a long way in 20 years. We’re not trying to move backwards.

Does it ever occur to you that you’re parroting conservative ideas and that if you’re so aligned with such thinking, YOU MIGHT BE WRONG? 

Exactly the point. Damn, you just played yourself and can’t even smell the fart cloud you’re sitting in.

Took the comment right out of my mouth. Knee jerk defensiveness toward discrimination will eventually land me in the fucking nuthouse, I swear. 

Are we supposed to pretend this isn’t racist?

But why must that even be a decision? One is not a reflection of the other. As an adoptee, your circumstances are beyond your control. Genetic testing offers one agency for the first time. Seizing that opportunity doesn’t mean you’re ungrateful or selfish. 

Okay, you are now the boss of every emotional experience. Next time I’m unsure of how to process emotion, I will consult you, mighty all knowing judge of the human condition.

Right?? For one thing, not every adopted person acquires a loving home. As with giving birth, people adopt for all kinds of reasons (and agencies don’t follow up after the paperwork is finalized).

Don’t forget they designed the Olympic Uniforms a few years back too.

So many people griping about privacy. No one’s forcing you to spit in a tube, homies. Here’s the thing: for adopted people, a genetic test can resolve a lifetime of questions. I did 23andme and found my birth mother. Connecting with her was a bit uncomfortable, but it brought major closure. It’s as if I’d spent my

I’m sure they’re hoping we will forget and have been satiated by this minor sacrifice. 

Right there with you. I don’t watch Bravo, but thoroughly enjoy Andy Cohen. He does a similar schtick and doesn’t catch nearly as much shit. You never see disgruntled people tweeting rape threats at him because his questions were too provocative. Just look at the greys in this thread. Amazing how many dudes felt

Same! Courtney can be maddening, but I’d be someone else if I hadn’t played Live Through This a billion times throughout my (pre-internet) adolescence. It’s like she shook me into consciousness.