
I’ve never felt that from her. If anything, she strikes me as emotionally raw. This is a woman who is 6’4” in heels, whom cis men refer to as trans whenever she rubs someone the wrong way. Her body, her femininity, and her blackness are constantly policed. Once during Ask Wendy, an audience member inquired whether she

Yeah, he’s a pain in the ass, but his voice is soothing and he (mostly) asks the right questions.

Alec Baldwin (I know, I know) did a great interview with Julie Brown, who first broke the Epstein story:

It’s too little, too late for me. This is an older article, but Maggie McNeill does a great job underlining why the Nordic Model does not work:

She cosponsored the SESTA FOSTA bill, which prevents sex workers from advertising services (forcing many to become street workers). Not to mention her apathy toward prison reform. Yes, many of her policies are progressive, but we should absolutely hold her accountable for these missteps. 

Yeah, that must be it. Or is it that you sad ass TRICKS feel entitled to women’s bodies for free? Y’all are equally opportunistic. 

I don’t know a single sex worker who would vote for Kamala Harris, given that she cosponsored SESTA FOSTA. She is also (to quote John Waters) “the prisoner’s enemy”.

Get a real girlfriend, incel.

Maybe get a real girlfriend then, BRO. 

Wholeheartedly agree, but we need decriminalization vs legalization, which would alienate the most disenfranchised.

American in Europe here. “I see” is inescapable in this part of the world and consistently makes me bristle. At least someone on Urban Dictionary gets it.

Also, if you blogged all of your first dates, I would absolutely read the shit out of that. Please and thank you.

Chiming in to say this is literally every dude on Seeking Arrangement (and *most* men who request GFE from sex workers, god fucking help us all).

Straight up. I also can’t fathom believing these male religious leaders (Dalai Lama, the Pope, fill in the blank) have “answers” and are closer to enlightenment. For someone critical of Trump, the Dalai Lama sure fucking sounds like him.

Most countries don’t publish names or photos. I feel what you’re saying, but aren’t you glad the Brock Turners of the world are burned into our brains? 

Watch Gavin and Stacey (Ruth Jones as Nessa is EVERYTHING). It will clear that shit right up.

Calling bullshit on that isn’t misogynistic, mate. She’s a yacht girl employed by Kris Jenner’s 138 Water. I don’t begrudge her sex work, but let’s not forget how Kim Kardashian first became “a name”. This strategic PR move is played the fuck out and I refuse to indulge these claims of victimhood. Particularly now, in

Oy vey. Have you seen the video where LL attempts to rescue a girl whom she believes to be trafficked, but was literally minding her own and walking alongside her parents? (All of which was communicated in a bizarro Irish accent.)

Google 138 Water (co-owned by Kris Jenner). Still waiting for someone to properly investigate this shit. I’m 99% sure there’s a Lohan connection, as well.