Triple Beam Dream

This is an excellent article. Did not expect this. I have a few suggestions.

But I am and always have been completely correct. You all hate me but I love you and that will never change.


I don’t think it’s an exaggeration to say that the DNC will cease to exist by the end of Trump’s second term and that much of their demise will be attributed to their own actions. Trump just has the balls to kill them and is a strategically-minded person.

First it was “Drumpf colluded with Russia.” What a humiliating hoax that was. Still can’t understand how people believed that other than to excuse themselves for being dead wrong about everything for two solid years. “Oh, that’s it! Must have been Russia or something. I’m still a smart person. Nobody could have seen

And John McCain. Thoughts and prayers etc.

You mean the one where Mueller is getting owned by the two lawyers representing a shoddy Russian Troll Farm?

The intellectual humiliation of the left is starting in earnest now. It’s not even close to over and by the end the Democratic Party will cease to exist save for a few shameless degenerates and Elizabeth Warren.

The first time I met Vladimir Putin was in Vladivostok, RU at a fundraiser for the local fishermen. The Vladivostok fishing industry had fallen on hard times due to extreme advancements in Chinese fishing capabilities that were essentially vacuuming all the fish from the Sea of Japan into the East China Sea. Though I

More offensive than the word transgendered is the length of this comment.

You all rely on some obscure, and presumably extremely long, article to prove your point because you can’t articulate it in a couple words.

I don’t believe that the transgendereds actually believe that the term transgendered is derogatory nor do I believe a trans actually finds such language offensive. Like many things these days, it’s an attempt to control the conversation and maintain leverage. This is fairly obvious to any objective onlooker. Most are


I believe that droning hundreds of thousands of civilians across the middle east and north africa still is illegal. Could be wrong - will investigate.

Listen here, Pops. I am not saying anything derogatory about transgenders nor am I implying anything even remotely negative. You do not get to control my language and any attempt to do so will be met with real hostility. Live and let be or whatever that fucking saying is.

This immediately. Then when the civil war starts they will be defenseless and easy to locate. 20th century Redcoats lol.

Pretty xenophobic meme. Delet now.

I recently invented a way through which we could actually eliminate guns from planet earth. You have to start slowly. First, make guns completely illegal and jail anyone who comments about guns or uses the word gun on social media. Then make saying the word “gun” illegal and jail anyone who says it. Then ship all of

I was recently driving and texting and I saw a billboard that struck me.