Triple Beam Dream

Would Mitt have been a better president than Obama? Yeah, probably. Not exactly a high bar though. The point is that Mitt is a weird guy that talks like he’s from the 1950s. Good candidate for potential “alien among us,” as they say.

If you vote for Bernie Sanders college will be free and student loans will also be free. That is the number one reason to vote for Bernie Sanders in my opinion, but there are also many more reasons.

Welcome, fren.

Really? You brought up his credentials which are outside the scope of his normal column. An astrophysicist running a weekly column on gardening would be considered a fraud if he used his PhD in physics as his gardening credential. You just did that.

Who are you again?

You are a good example. Starred.

I could easily say something along the lines of “Aw yeah? Well Nobama droned thousands of civilians and still won the Nobel Peace thing” but that’s not really the point that you’re missing.

Paul Krugman is a fraud [he’s been a political shill for decades now - gave up economics for the greener pasture of spinning a subject matter few understand well] and a fairly shallow thinker outside obscure and largely irrelevant economic theory.

They are pro liberty and pro free speech because they are rebelling against their parents who are pro liberalism and anti disagreement.

I would say “for myself especially.”

The first objective of my trolling is to entertain myself. If it entertains others, that’s a very nice bonus that always makes me happy.

It’s like you didn’t read anything I wrote and instead responded to what you thought you would read.

I make this place infinitely more interesting and amusing.

Breitbart and Daily Caller do not have them. I am their target audience and I never, ever go there. There are lots of people that ignore those sites for the stigma they have. If you go there - you are conservative/GOP/whatever. They are explicitly political sites, not what I’m talking about here. There’s a better

And ill-informed. ESPN? Jesus Chrits I have not watched that channel since they introduced feels to Sportscenter circa 2003.

Eh, got me. Everything else is true though.

1) Gen Z is extremely conservative.

I’m pretty familiar with this place. I can tell you that the Kinja platform is being massively underutilized through too narrow a scope of allowed opinion. From a business standpoint, there is - right now - a massive opportunity to capture an ignored audience and I sincerely doubt anyone in this company knows how to

Hire some people who don’t think like you.

This is an excellent article. Did not expect this. I have a few suggestions.