Triple Beam Dream

Norm Chompsky, my favorite linguicist, would disagree. He would argue that the entire point of language is to transfer meaning from one entity to the next. All else is meaningless, petty frivolity.

You forgot Hillary. She was the one who made Trump win.

Certainly is a hot take there, Bubba. I’ve been part of we since before you were a me.

You are old enough to know that often times my discourse has actual meaning behind it. Many times the exact opposite, a complete and total thought vacuum. But sometimes there is meaning.

You know, us. The good people.

There is only one God and her name is Allah.

These unlucky parents didn’t cross the border, THE BORDER CROSSED THEM.

No idea what your talkin’ about Buster.

Worthless, revenue-negative startups whose entire potential value is sucked out prior to going public? I would consider them zombified and not necessarily dead.

Did you just change your name to Plague Lovers in order to ironically ask for more Africans?

It is Americans like you that keep my faith that this country is worth saving.

Disagree just about as much as one could disagree with something.

Our figurehead is now a young transgendered felon who believes we should let all prisoners out of jail.

It’s not a gun though. It’s just a severed head on a spike.

There a pretty sensitive bunch which is why they all own guns and big pickup trucks with those cool lights on the top.

#MeToo will drone on forever if we continue to lend the platform to any old attention-seeker.

Torture is illegal. True. So is droning hundreds of thousands of civilians across the Middle East and North Africa and Obama had Brennan and Clapper do that.

Little OT but doesn’t this Gina girl have like 18 dogs or something? What the hell is with that? Super odd.