
I wonder how many of those Xboxes wore seat belts. Feel free to add your own confused-pet-and-console related images in the comments.

Said this earlier on the original video, before it got removed thanks to KSI. That guy is a tool and it bugs the hell out of me that some of the worst the internet has to offer can get the sort of success he does.

Someone on the GameFAQs board said his console did this after installing the first game but after he disconnected the power and plugged it back in it worked fine.

That was an amazing comic. I got that back when a collected edition was released in about 1990. Always hoped it would be the basis for a Judge Dredd film someday.

Not available yet. He'll be using a capture device like an Elgato for it. It's just the in console based Twitch streaming that's not active yet.

I'm still baffled as to why some people react as though they're threatened by her. She makes her points clearly and concisely. If you go over a lot of her earlier videos she tends to run with her emotional response as the driving force of her arguments. She's gradually changed that to a more academic approach. Also,

To be fair, it's not out in the UK yet. I'm sure he can play his little brother's one when he gets one.

Yes. You'll need to fix this before the official Blade Runner lynch mob comes to get you. It may be a while though because kids today are being raised without being made to see it. A shame.

I remember Ashens did a review of it on his youtube channel the week it came out and he got his second hand. It was one of the kickstarter models too.

I can't fit a disc in the Xbox now cos the drive is too small.

I kinda love that Yoshida's avatar on twitter is from Kyle Bosman's battle of the bands skits. God bless Kyle Bosman.

I'd be up for the auto deletion as an option. It also appears that this works by only caching the data needed for the section of the game you're on. Maybe a system that keeps the initial instal and any data for the level your currently at, deleting the rest as you go, would be a good idea.

I noticed that too. I'm quite confused by the changes.

I've always valued more tracks over more cars. And I mean track locations, not just variations on the same track. People may moan about the lower amount of cars, but do you really need to drive 500 different one? There will be enough to suit anyone's play style with 200.

I'm seeing a lot of people complaining but I've not experienced much of it. Mostly because no-one comments on my videos though. I did notice when I checked my inbox today, though, that comment replies are only visible on Google+ now, but I have no idea where cos I never use it. I only have an account because you need

It was called Dino Riders. The toys were awesome.

I've been tempted to block a random word on my channel to see if people can figure it out.

If a company has gone into administration you just need to contact the administrators for the refund. That's what we had to tell customers when I was working at HMV.

Looks like one of them annoying BitStrip things that clog up my facebook all day.

Yeah, I mentioned that in Youtube comments once (I think on the F-Zero Mute City one) and got a few flames for it. To be fair though, he'd have to in order to match all those varying tones. This isn't like singing a song. He's using his voice and an instrument and manipulating it digitally to create the perfect sound.