Your post prompted me to look if anyone has put the AoT opening to Titanfall footage and I actually found a pretty great one:
Your post prompted me to look if anyone has put the AoT opening to Titanfall footage and I actually found a pretty great one:
Yeah man, what the fuck is this. These new turtles look like Terry Crews fucked Shrek. Ugh.
Best game based Album art is definitely this from New Zealand band Ghidoragh.
I'm not sure how popular an opinion it is but I'm glad they forced me to get a kinect. I thought it was stupid and I would never use it so I wouldn't have bought it given the choice but now that I have it I use it all the time. It makes using the X1 sssooooo much easier. Xbox go to ..... is used for just about…
Well, they're forcing it to hopefully get more backing by developers, because the complaint the last time around was 'no one has a kinect', well, now they all have a kinect so lets get some games made. — I personally would like to see them make more kinect games, or bring more function to games by utilizing the…
Right now its mostly of use as system stuff, definitely. I haven't owned a lot of XBO games yet, but I haven't had one that had voice commands that were satisfactory. I can't really say whether or not its ever coming. What I can say is that the ways in which voice and (to a lesser extent) gesture controls have changed…
That and the kinect is being used as an easy griefing tool, with gamer tags having kinect commands in them
I asked about a price drop or having a Kinect-free version, framing that as asking what he thought of ideas like that that some have said would help Xbox. He said: "I feel really good about where we are right now" before saying that the focus of today's conversation was really about the reorganization and that we'd…
Wow, who would have thought it would be a good idea for a console company to talk about, and design around, actual games?
Wouldn't it be more appropriate as "greatest of all time?"
Thanks for the character list! Awesome to see not only the big name series but also stuff like Kochikame making the cut. I'm tempted to spend $140 on the deluxe edition with its licensed theme songs... That's a lot for one game though.
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Different languages spell and pronounce Gabriel differently, but are usually male names. I'm pretty sure the female "Gabrielle" is mostly an English/American thing.
Check the site, it is a guy, and he would be right at home in a windowless van.
The world would be a better place if more kids had Skeletor in their childhoods.