
Just regular ants which I'm sure made the throwing away of the keyboard feel all the more pointless.

My friend got ants in her keyboard after she spilt coke on it. She cleaned up all the keys and the next day went to type and saw ants crawling out of the spaces between the keys. That went in the bin.

Hadn't considered that when I heard about the online only saves. That's lame. I quite like trashing my cities on Sim City.

Hopefully sorted by Friday when it's released here. Although I suppose I can wait a few days. Seems like a total nightmare this. I didn't have as much trouble as people seem to be having here when Diablo 3 came out and people are comparing this launch to that game's.

I always think, wouldn't it be smarter to just let people who have received the game from stores or online orders to just start playing straight away? That way they aren't adding to the inevitable rush at the midnight launch. Plus they could have a system set up where, if you've pre-installed it, it begins all the

Personally I'm shocked and don't know what to believe anymore. Was thinking I'd write a letter to my local MP about this but, after thinking about it, what if he's this corrupt too?

I'd like that too. It's not like it would have to fully read the disc, just confirm it. Although that may lead to people burning off discs with the lines of code it would use to confirm on them.

I'm waiting for them insulin flavoured crisps.

It may be able to survive a drop of 82ft but will the people locked inside it?

Alien Resurrection on the PSOne was a survival horror game. Was played as a FPS but there's no hiding that it was not about the shooting. Game was terrifying.

Now playing

I had this happen during my game. Watch my created Wrestler and Dolph Ziggler. It's the pool of blood forming on the floor that makes it for me.

Same here. So annoyed that the PS3 and Xbox versions aren't out in the UK. Gonna have to import. The facebook game will keep me occupied for now though.

This game is really damn good. Maybe some of the transcript moments are a little intrusive but it's a really interesting piece of work. Gonna have to play through this I think.

Being a British kid of the 90s I always remember him as the voice of Box Office America at ungodly hours of the morning on ITV.

That'll get him a few meals and maybe a a cinema ticket in Sweden. Lovely country, but man is it pricey there.

Just what I was thinking. I would certainly fund it with as much as I could afford.

I always imagined that when it got to the point where the comics skip forward and we don't really know everything about his journey across the US that that would be where the bulk of the TV series would happen. Which would then lead to the chance that the finale would be free to be quite different from the comic.

I've always thought Y: the Last Man would suit TV better.

Game Grumps is pretty much the best thing on Youtube. Well, other than Epic Meal Time and Ashens.

I don't get how they resisted calling it Lightning Strikes Twice or some other such pun.