
I wouldn't be surprised if they one day take over the world in some way. Or at least manipulate a vote to make one of their forum members president of the universe.

Exactly. It's baffling how they've allowed this to happen. Surely when you set up shop in a country you learnt he laws first and determine if they'll be an issue later. Sometimes I swear Nintendo only found out about the internet a few days ago.

Heh. And I tried reasoning multiple times that Nintendo should have realised this and worked around it but hey, people take Nintendo's excuse as being something that they couldn't possibly have avoided.

This is what I've been trying to get across and people can't grasp it. All they'd need to do is rent an office, chuck in some servers and hire maybe 2 people to look after them.

Not really Valves fault that. More the German rating's board. It's a country by country issue. Which is why it makes no sense for Nintendo to be blaming the German laws when they could have just planned ahead.

So they must have known the laws already seeing as they've been operating an online service for 5 years and didn't do anything to avoid this. They have offices in multiple European countries that could have housed or ran the service if they just planned it out and spent a little money.

But they don't allow those restrictions to be an issue elsewhere which is what Nintendo have allowed to happen. Nintendo must have known the laws in Germany and did nothing to avoid them like every other has done by making sure they can provide content on a country by country basis.

Exactly. I've always said they were a generation behind but I was OK with that because they were making nothing but games that appealed to me. Now they make less of those, but that's OK, but it's all the other areas I need to see them start to get right before I'm willing to part with my money. At least friends codes

Not sure to be honest. But surely they would have been aware of this rule from the moment they decided to do an online store. I'm not anti-Nintendo, got 3 of their consoles out right now and a 3DS at my side, but they're acting so clueless these days that I find it hard not to be.

So why does this not happen with the Wii and 3DS stores? Surely they would have known this in advance and would have worked out a work around that made sense. They have offices in multiple countries in Europe. One is in Portsmouth in the UK for example.

Nintendo have a main office in the UK, it's not far away from me in fact. Also the law would only apply to where the servers are which could be anywhere. If they're stuck with Germany why did this restriction not apply to Wii content?

This just raises more questions, such as, why does this not apply to any other source of digital content? It just makes Nintendo sound even more inept. Clearly this restriction doesn't apply to Sony, MS, Apple or Steam. So why does it apply to Nintendo?

They are the same SKU, the covers are reversible. Pretty sure someone just missed a price change. Sorry, ruining fun here.

Yeah, I don't wanna be dragged into this.

Country? This is in the UK. It was advertised as a Pre-order bonus here too. Some HMV stores might still have some left.

Where I work we got about 80 copies per format with the code and about 50 per format without. Effectively they just produced a load of copies with the codes regardless of how many pre-orders there were. We only have about 20 pre-orders per format.

Worst firmware updates I've ever had was about an hour on PS3 and about 10 minutes on Xbox. having 5GB of the consoles firmware missing before launch means Nintendo released a system with incomplete software. To have that 5GB then come out of the WiiU's 8GB of storage rather than a reserved space is just plain stupid

Yeah I mean you can just keep an eye on the progress while watching TV.. or playing on an Xbox I suppose. I wouldn't suggest starting up a PS3 though because you'll likely have a second lot of updating going on there.

Apparently you can view the update progress bar on the gamepad so you can go watch other stuff and still monitor the WiiU's download without flicking back and forth between channels.

A guy on my friendslist says he got one of these in the mail today. I was on the UK beta for Xbox Live, still have the beta welcome pack thing. Would really like one of thse cos my Xbox is making bad noises.