This might just be the most serene video of a cat with a frog on its head that I have ever seen in my entire life. …
This might just be the most serene video of a cat with a frog on its head that I have ever seen in my entire life. …
The only time in my life I legit fainted was when I called an exterminator to my house to investigate a tiny hole in the siding where I had seen a few wasps flying in and out. I stood outside beneath the wee hole while the dude climbed up a ladder and poked around a bit, shined a light in the hole, etc. He came down…
Can we get Matriarchy in here too? I just love this one, but somebody put the wrong label in it.
...And so it was that Adam was restless. All of his attempts to holler at the animals were unsatisfying. The giraffes ignored him in favor of their lunch of delicate leafy branches. The hippopotami sank deeper beneath the lazy, lapping waters. A gorilla ignored him, mostly, and then had the audacity to back hand him…
I have a friend from Nashville staying with me in Chicago. Yesterday while walking to a bus, some guy started hollering at her, even crossing the street to get closer. He finally asked, "where's your man??"
Why are his pants totally dry? wtf
That dog in the background doe. Nightmare fuel.
I work really hard at my job, guys.
""They got them back because of me being a superhero." Abby Dean: Superhero and not here for your racist bullshit."
You keep on fighting the good fight, Abby. Truth and Justice need you on their side.
Oh good, I was briefly worried that R. Kelly would do something that WASN'T horrible so I'd have to start saying "he's a pedophile and a rapist but he does at least stand by his kids." Nope! Just a terrible human being wall-to-wall. It's almost refreshing in its simplicity.
I hate how frequently queer rights and representation only comes when straight men find it benefits them, personally.
Someone got upset cuz they accidentally thought a boy looked cute. Oops.
STAHP, I love her. Raven-Symoné posted pics of her new haircut to Instagram the other day, and it looks fucking…
Anna Binkovitz has an important message for anyone using the "she was asking for it" defense when it comes to rape:…
The best counter to mansplaining is fistsplaining.
I'm reviewing the game. So it's literally my job to do this, and in doing so, will hopefully inform people who might care about this. They in turn can seek out other games that might fit their needs better, if so they wish.