I saw a bra strap once. Woke up six days later in a ditch outside of Reno, covered in blood and cocaine. Never saw my car again.
Ohh. I think sea lions may have solved the men taking up too much space on the subway problem.
I was mentioned by name in a suicide note by a boy I'd turned down. While I feel badly for his death, I do not, cannot and WILL NOT take blame for his actions because I refused to date him. I am so sick of this idea that men are owed a date/kiss/blowjob/anything just because they want it. Nobody owes anybody…
A latecomer to the "Shit ______ Say" genre (and a bit of a riff on the format), here's "If Gay Guys Said the Shit…
I have been waiting for quite a while to bust this one out but:
Cornetto has been doing a lot of filmmaking-as-advertising lately, by making long-form commercials that barely even…
There's a lot of creeps sketching around the subway systems of the world. Hence the invention of the Personal Space…
But, Erin! Not ALL douchebags try to raise money for charities.
If some people are born neither male nor female, what does that say about our traditional views of sex and gender,…
Sadly, yes. But watching the meltdowns would be fun.
Not in the least; I was pointing out how utterly self-defeating it is to stare down one's nose at others whilst missing the festering zit resting on that selfsame nose.
A South Carolina college cancelled a satirical play called "How to Be a Lesbian" because it was accused of being gay…
The video chronicles the reunion of a woman with her best friend, with whom she was in love when they were…
Star of Netflix's Orange is the New Black and advocate Laverne Cox has issued a statement in support of the Central…
Cinnamon Teddy Grahams FTW!
Here's the problem with the mockney accent - so often it comes across as taking the piss. Nothing is more obnoxious than well-off (or even solidly middle class) people putting on an accent, trying to make themselves sound more "authentic, as it were.
Rodents of unusual size? I don't believe they exist . . . Oh damn I should probably have a gif here. You all know the one I mean. Just imagine it . . .