Lux Panic

Ironically, real tacos aren't all pre-folded n shit.

Also, that roommate is a dirty coward!

He mailed me a "happy meal" once. Burger, fries, a few


Good lord. Women can LIVE up to 24 years??? I don't think they should allow the crypt keeper to be queen. God damn.

Yannick, no. NO!!!

Somebody needs to undercover sting this skeezebag so he can get tossed into a dungeon forever

"Cognitive dissonance"?

So, I shared this on FB. And sort of started a discussion with my friends about rape. It ended up going to teaching people not to rape instead of JUST focusing on women. So, naturally someone joins in and says women should be accountable. I'm pretty sure I overreacted a bit but meh...having sort of a grumpy day

You're going to need a bigger boat.

The vitriol and ad hominems against you by people who are missing the point entirely make me physically ill. Just another reminder of why I rarely venture far from Jezebel and io9...

u wot m8?

aaaand this is why I rarely share links to Jezebel vs. just sharing the direct source.

That's sure a strange way to spell "God Loves, Man Kills".

Same here. I audibly exclaimed "What?!" and had to reread it, like, thrice. Thankfully, my mouth was not full!

Why does Bahamut have the Millennium Puzzle? Also: Why are Bahamut and the Millenium Puzzle in this game?
On a side note, I don't really like this sort of game, but this looks hyper colourful and I like how she looks...

Another victory for Team Pie!!

I was wondering about that feeling I had reading this shit. This articulates it perfectly.

What the actual fuck is wrong with you O_o?