
Three? Look at the big spender!

He starred in a game about shooting Donkey Kong in the dick until he flies away.

I was wondering whether the bear’s design included human features. The film gives you a very good look at its face, albeit under circumstances that are not exactly conducive to detached contemplation, but the blending of features is uncanny enough that it’s hard to tell what makes it look so unusual.

Psh, Giz is so regressive for a “tech” site. We’ll see who is laughing when my shares of penis coin go through the roof.

Where do you get your information, Eric Garland?

Um, who are these “Good Guys” you refer to?

The Aunt looks like Jughead in drag

Is “a friend” a nickname for your keyboard? Like, maybe it suffered a trauma and now randomly issues keypresses that you did not?

They’re good dogs, Mutt.

Vigilante señor! Mi casa, tu casa, una cerveza, dos cervezas, tacos, tequila, si.

If you purposefully and deceivingly replace beef in my burger with mushrooms, I will hunt you down, slaughter you, butcher your carcass, run your muscles through a meat grinder, form you into quarter-pound patties, grill you, top you with a slice of cheese, put you in a bread bun, and eat you.

Do the Ice Spiders spin enormous chains?

I think Atari will soon need to bury this hat in the desert.

In Russia, Rocket Fires You!


Ugh. If I’m ever eaten by a 23-foot-long reticulated python in the remote village of Salubrio, I hope the villagers who discover me at least have enough respect to film the extraction of my corpse horizontally.

Damn man, you put a ton of thought and effort to complain about a product you don’t have to buy...

“Playing by the book might be good for baking a pretty cake, chief, but it’s not going to get us Mendoza!”

the Gawkmodo hates any sort of capitalism