
The same could be said of ALL cable companies.

You steal men’s money!

I’d take that over an erotic pachinko machine.

What is man?

How did they get the license? Did they fool Konami into thinking they were a pachinko company?

Perhaps all the above is a concerted effort to prevent droids from having instantaneous access to all the data in the universe. By not creating the infrastructure for easy data transmissions and by keeping mass storage facilities analog droids remain subservient.

How coincidental, Triple H will be our bond rating after the Trump Presidency.

I feel like your inconveniences are less important than the real issues here, yet somehow you wrote an entire article about how much it sucks to be cold.

Everyone knows during a natural disaster that the steaks are high.

You might say they’re....

How dare you

It isn’t an erotic fetish, at least not for most people. There are ASMR videos with men and ones with no visual component at all. Personally, I prefer listening to women because I use headphones, and the binaural microphones used in many ASMR videos makes it sound like the person is incredibly close to you. A man that

Here’s a list of foods you can eat in a 2017 Chevy Camaro ZL1:

Newsflash: no one is ever born into a world they (or anyone of their peers) have control over. As much power as Putin wields, he too does not have control over all facets of life in the entire known and unknown world.

I have a Sony a6000 and I absolutely love it. It’s incredibly portable, has an APS-C sensor, beautiful color reproduction, and amazingly quick autofocus.

I have a Sony a6000 and I absolutely love it. It’s incredibly portable, has an APS-C sensor, beautiful color

If Baby’s name happens to be Tetsuo, then yes, that would be normal I suppose... :P

Great, so now we're giving frogs autism?

Who knew comparing iphones could produce such an apt Silence of the Lambs reference

Son, we live in a world that has pink walls, and those walls have to be guarded by men with listening devices. Who’s gonna do it? You? You, Mickey? I have a greater responsibility than you could possibly fathom. You weep for Goofy, and you curse the Secret Disney police. You have that luxury. You have the luxury of

We shouldn’t anthropomorphize machines anyway. They hate it.