
Literally didn’t think of that before, so liberating!

Feels like most commenters have never worked on a corporate. Seems like a common sense thing but then you see people glossing over it like it’s nothing. It’s obviously written like that in the article to push the agenda (good agenda, but still).

Underrated comment

You’re the best example of how humanity is shit.

It really seems like you’re in the incel side of the conversation. Just because people hook up doesn’t mean they have a STD collection. That’s very ignorant and you’ll only end up in a worse place if you keep believing those stereotypes.

Oooold school

That’s because soy contains estrogen, which, apparently, will counter any testosterone you have and you become less manly/more femenine. It’s basically saying “you’re a man-woman” which is why when someone uses that as an insult, you can immediately know they’re fucking stupid.

The only game I have on my phone that doesn’t require internet is the Konami Picross one, guess what I play all the time when signal isn’t the best?

Burner accounts can be saved if you keep the original code you got.

Aren’t these superscripts? Basically things like tildes and dieresis than can stack on top of each other and block out other text on top of ‘em.

No matter how bad your family is, it will be better than gigantic, toxic plumes of smoke.

Not sure if this is a good or a bad troll, because it doesn’t read like a troll, but it HAS to be.

Technically the proper argument should be: We’ve evolved enough and are sapient enough to not need to fall back on our primary instincts.

We can eat tons of animals without help, just not the bigger ones. I’m sure it’s fairly easy to disembowel small things, even with our relatively weak physical features.

I think that was just the tone of the article making fun of him.

Yeah this definitely smells like “early 2000s web-design”. Everything is grey/white with minimalist techno-lines.

oh yeah, dude will skyscrapper you into oblivion

Do the buttons light up on the original 1up or did you add that?

Do the buttons light up on the original 1up or did you add that?

“then you resort to name calling because you know you’ve lost the argument based on merit.

Funny that you only reply to the “easy” posts but disregard any with actual evidence that you’re wrong. Nice trolling, but that’s the end of the thread.