
That’s what this community, Kinja, does just like 99% of keyboard warriors, mall ninjas, gun shop heroes, strip mall black belts, and “2nd amendment” shitcunts carrying ARs to Starbucks. They posture and whine and complain about everything while risking absolutely nothing real in exchange for feeling great about their

Fake new! This photo was created in a Chinese lab! When set as a background, it enables Chinese spyware that sends all your data to Secret Chinese data farms and locks itself to hide the evidence! The only way to unlock it is to vote for Biden so he can replace all the police with Gay Enforcer Squads that turn your

Or a name that gives you only the slightest clue as to what it is.

His Deadspin Awards appearances.

Either way, he trolled everyone well enough that his comment is at the top of the comments...

ok boomer.

Getting your code review approved by your teammate like its any other CR, which is likely what that vaguely refers to in order to confuse the uninformed reader, is NOT the same as getting approval to deploy this activist feature to production, which she likely did not have. If any of my engineers went rogue and

Approval to do a general thing does not give you blanket approval to make a specific feature that violates corporate policy. However, it may give you a viable, but weak, legal defense. The problem with such a defense is that you have to admit to violating corporate policy to be successful with it. That means that

I can believe she did indeed develop a pop-up application. This is the type of minor functionality that junior-level employees are tasked with and are approved and reviewed prior to “release” (whatever that means in this “internal use only” case).

Sounds like a case of “I approved it myself” versus “I should run this by Legal before I push this policy message out”.

  • 1. Voice your concern

Is this the needful? Are they finally kindly doing it?

I suppose one of its best feature is growing a second right hand for you to take a selfie? 

Nope. We’re in the herb zone now.

Damnit. I want this. To me this thing is cooler then any 6+ figure car I’ve ever seen (in person or in print). I never felt bad that I couldn’t afford the latest Ferrari quatrofolienflameblowupanello or whatever but the want for this thing right here is emanating from deep within my loins.

Category 5 shitstorms have always existed, but global dumbening has increased their frequency and strength. The Cape Merde type systems that roll off of the right side of American politics in recent years have been particularly devastating to those living in low lying scientific communities.

My grandfather survived the Holocaust because he was a Nazi.

Higher chance of him having to eat a bear’s ass in prison

it would absolutely whip ass if this guy was eaten alive by a bear or something

“Horton, Here’s a Poo!”