
This thread made me so angry

Would probably not accept a coffee from this lady

Strange can open portals to wherever he wants using his ring.

At least in Mexico, cars will only chime if they detect movement over certain speeds (like 3 mph).

Surely buying shady pills from East Asia is better than price protections in the first world

The 6 hours on a charge issue might be more related about some apps than the actual battery performance.

I do that but it’s more about having content stashed and not posting every photo at once.

Just checking in from the future, they DID release it for the 20th anniversary. Can you give us the Powerball numbers now?

You gotta negotiate first, come on!

If you see someone abusing their dog you would act and tell on them. Same here, even if it’s their responsibility if you see they’re doing harm to the animal you have options to try and stop it. Like alerting the authority.

Why so stressed out Cynthoa?

It’s easy to understand. A lawyer has incentive to make sure you get hurt, so he can help you get “revenge” on the people who did you wrong.

Dude, those moves are dangerous as hell. My brother once did a piledriver on me and I was blind for like an hour.

All OS’s are vulnerable, what changes is the amount of attention the OS gets from hijackers.

Or just make it easy to go back to that UI. Theoretically you can use the same UI as decades ago, unfortunately it’s all text-based and can be pretty difficult to use.

Stockpiling nitros and then shooting off into the atmosphere was my childhood.

That’s the code to get “El soldado del invierno” to listen to your commands.

I want it to look good and work well, different priorities I guess. I’m not unplugged long enough to be hurting for an extra battery, and never needed it before. For me the cellphone is just great, while for you it obviously isn’t, they’ll do whatever sells the most phones/service bills.

This guy called it!

I’m barely getting 40m of air right now, that’s nuts!