
That probably got you an undetectable virus at some point, but that’s beside the point considering there’s truly no way to work around that other than luck.

I cannot recommend this enough

The ! is usually meant as a negative of whatever you’re putting afterwards. So you’re negating an equivalence with the !=.

Would anybody here recommend upgrading the NEX-7 to this? I feel like they have similar features (save the fast autofocus) so it might be more worthwhile to just go all the way to the a6300?

Would anybody here recommend upgrading the NEX-7 to this? I feel like they have similar features (save the fast

This. Blame is on the hacker, the victim is fine doing what they want, but there should be a reasonable expectation of consequences considering the state the world is in. Sure, you have the right to not be murdered, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t take any steps to protect yourself.

The idea is to expect anything you have to be hackable. We have the right to privacy, but currently not enough means to protect that right completely. It’s not throwing away rights, it’s knowing that the world is still fucked up and won’t be unfucked for a while.

Is this a farm or why are there so many strawmen?

This freaks me out a lot, too much...

I don’t know, I prefer more subtle trolling but this works so I guess it’s ok?

So basically

I enjoy these subtle commentaries.

It’s everyone else’s fault if they keep going after this.

Noted. Thanks, this info will be very handy!

I remember when I got my first stalker...

I can see where you’re coming from, but in any business if you keep your employees miserable you end up profiting less, so you gotta strike a sweet spot where they don’t want to kill you, but you don’t spend too much on them. So yeah, basically like a country.

To be honest, I think you are the only person comparing corporations to Jews. Seems like a cheap shot to dismiss criticism of corporations as antisemitic instead of addressing the concerns behind that criticism. Same goes for any racial minority that screams ‘racist’ whenever something doesn’t go as planned, they’re

The memes back in my day were more subtle! These youngsters have it much better.

Run Dos Run