
Also zendaya looks beautiful and hot as fuck in the real picture. I don't understand

As much as I hated her “x out” acne commercial zendaya seems real fucking cool

How can you catch a cloud and pin it down? How do you catch a wave upon the sand? It’s a mystery!

You stop caring about life once it leaves the womb. That’s also why they support war and oppose universal healthcare.

How can you be pro death penalty AND anti-abortion?

Because they have zero exposure to it, there’s no point of reference. It’s so ridiculously over-the-top, it can’t possibly be true. It simple has to be exaggeration. I mean, look at these examples. People wouldn’t possibly write crap like that, right? And yet here we are.

Love Adele.

Now, see, the Republican National Committee could have taken this chance to wish the Bidens well in their grieving process and their healing as a family or something. But instead they released a statement gloating about how they’re gonna definitely beat Hillary now:

God I am so tired of so-called “good” guys not believing women until a man confirms it. It’s crazymaking bullshit.

I’m cynical, and I think he never intended to run. I really believe President Obama, Hillary Clinton, and he all got in a room and discussed the next steps and decided on Hillary. It would have only ever been one or the other.

my honest to god first reaction when my boss said that biden wasn’t running was “poor CNN”

Perhaps he is clinically depressed and the idea of being “on” for a campaign is soul-crushing.

If you’re having a bad day, I strongly suggest going to The Onion and typing “Joe Biden” into the search bar. Never fails to crack me up.

meanwhile at CNN, without missing a beat, don lemon ceases work on his Biden 2016 spinning transitional title cards and resumes scrolling through satellite photos to find MH370 & the snowstorm that was supposed to bury new york last year

Do you think he sings a little song in his head when Joe is talking for too long/what do you think that little song is

No one deserves a quiet retirement full of hot tea and books and grandchildren more than Joe Biden.


I’m too lazy to do an in-depth google search right now, but wasn’t there a huge uproar about finding a mass grave of children born to unwed mothers in the ‘60s awhile back too? Really showing the sacredness of life there.

God bless this woman for posting these. Many men don’t believe women’s stories of sexual harassment (or think we’re exaggerating them for attention or pity) unless they see the receipts. Even my brother, who would describe himself as a feminist, recently admitted he didn’t think sexual harassment was “that bad” until

What I want to know is how do people even have the kind of energy it must take to work themselves into the frothing racist misogynist rage required to seek someone out online and compose nasty comments? Like, I barely have the energy to do my job, help with upkeep on my house, and attempt some semblance of a social