

That is freaking creepy.

I’m also pretty certain he calls female servers “little lady” and winks at them.

“Sometimes I like to punish.”

“I have a God complex, but was too lazy too take the typical medical school route. So instead I inflict it on unsuspecting wait staff making $2.13/hr.”


“I like to make a difference, not just to be a bit of a big shot or be noticed or appreciated, but to give some of what I make to those who make less.”

He could have condensed his entire column down to “I like to play God.”

you all must hate CHRISTIANS

This is where the phrase “BITCH BEGONE” comes into play.

Serious question: Why can’t the proprietor just ask the racist ass-clown to not return. “Sir, I’m sorry that our values and yours don’t match. I’m sure that another vendor would be more to your liking. Please have a nice day...” I get it—you depend on customers for your livelihood. But these people will never learn

Can we please, for the love of all things holy and my computer monitor, get some dumb customer comeuppance??? Just sitting here with all the rage of 1000 suns, wondering who fuck does these things?

I’m proud to say my grandfather is a changed man now, after years of me gently saying “Opa, no, that’s not how that works...”

You can refuse service based on behavior, you just can’t refuse service based on race or other intrinsic qualities. I don’t know how a court would react to this particular case, I mean an argument could be made that based on the (false) information she was providing the staff had reason to believe her life would be in

Man nothing ruins an old racists day like being nice to someone. I work in a bakery in an area with a large middle eastern/indian population. Because of this, we have little displays for non-cracker ass holiday events like little eid al-fitr cakes and a nice spread for diwali. EVERYTIME while we get a slew of happy

It is from the Office

I have to say, BCO has spurred two important changes in the way I act in restaurants.

“Lord, beer me strength.”