
Amen. And in a similar vein, be honest with the new people you date about your friendship with your ex. Even if you’re legit just friends and there is no sexual tension at all, you’ve gotta be transparent about that shit (like more transparent than you’d be if you were hanging with your buddies) and, if the ex gets

I pretend my exes are dead. It’s just easier that way.

I can’t star this enough.

Any post-relationship solution is insane. It’s insane to go from being two people who were the most important people in each other’s lives (or at least among the top 5) to blocking each other’s numbers and never speaking to each other ever again. And it’s equally insane to go from passionate romance to platonic

This just happened to me last week and yeah, I had a very brief moment of wanting to stay in each other’s lives. Then I realized how stupid that was and spent yesterday destroying every memory of this chode forever. I’m not friends with a single ex, why the hell would I start now?

I would also suggest that if you want to stay friends, or even just be friendly, be honest at the end. Don’t lie about your feelings or why you’re breaking up or anything salient to the breakup. You don’t have to be blunt, but you do have to be honest.

It’s most always a power imbalance. The person with the “grass is greener” prospects does it to keep their “mojo” going (ie: people can tell). The person “still burning the candle” does it to keep false hope alive.

My life motto on relationships - you broke up for a reason. So pushing to be friends right afterward is a bad decision, since you BROKE UP in the first place. That means they or you do not want the other person in their life any longer. When they say they still you want you in their life, RED FLAG. That means they

Has anyone who has ever said “I think we need to take a break” done so with the intent of actually getting back together?

saying “‘We can still be friends’ is like saying ‘The dog died, but we can still keep it.’”

I got dumped pretty spectacularly, once. My ex-boyfriend’s birthday was four days later. I agonized very briefly over whether I should call him, or send a card, or something, to wish him a happy birthday, but ultimately decided not to.

“When Harry Met Sally” fooled me into sticking around far too long, waiting for him to have an epiphany that never came.

“What’s more likely and more common is that everyone discovers that the realities of just being friends still are far too brutal—you feel exactly the same as before, only heartsick, and now you have to pretend you don’t care if they fuck someone else. Oh, but you do care.”

What gets me the most is that no battles took place at Stone Mountain. It was instead the site of the KKK reboot in like 1915.

An emailer also points out that the Sons are objecting to a monument to “soldiers of any color who fought against the Confederacy,” almost as though they’re unaware there were Black Confederate soldiers.

What? You didn’t learn about Michael Lucas King’s famous “I Dreamed Something Last Night and You Guys Won’t Believe How Crazy It Was!” speech in school?

They understand.

No no no, see, it’s about the time honored tradition of state’s rights.

Do these yahoos understand they’re celebrating treason and owning other people? Has that not sunk in yet?