
In all fairness, most of the time when I hear people talk about white women and yoga, it’s usually not very favorable...

I’m guessing some people don’t do their research & don’t realize that — I’ve always been told that Elvis was the one who “made it okay” for white kids to listen to rock ‘n’ roll, which speaks more to the asinine racial divisions of the period than to any credit people might give Elvis for “inventing” it.

Is it not common knowledge that Chuck Berry was more or less the inventor of rock and roll? Or at least the singer of the first real rock n roll song?

I can’t even comprehend how much of a piece of shit you have to be to crap on these parents for having more children. I’m going to have a rage stroke thinking about it.

I think this bitch was mental. I've had shitty bosses and yes, asshole kids. You don't do murder, you quit. Or you find another job if you don't have the patience.

It gives me a lot of happiness that these two are still together and seem to be loving and close to their living children. So often stories that start out this horrific only lead to divorce and fucked up survivors.

Does anyone know why it hasn’t gone to trial yet?

Man, I forgot about this story. Crazy that she still hasn’t been to trial.

I’m a mother with a nanny and this story haunts me

Oh man. I cannot even imagine the grief these parents went though and are still going through. What a nightmare.

I'm a nanny and this story haunts me.

Ladies, this is what the Kindle was made for.

A lot of men like to argue that women should just be straightforward. “Just flat out tell men that you’re not interested in them!” they say. Many women have tried this and were probably met with rude-to-frightening behavior—men that continue talking to them anyway, men that get angry or follow them down the street.

Sometimes on the train I have my headphones in simply as a deterrent. I’m not listening to anything, I just want an excuse to ignore you.

yes. There are no circumstances under which I want to stop listening to This American Life and start talking to a random stranger instead.

Ooooh the kindle! How do you like that? Don’t you prefer a real book? You look like you do a lot of reading. Yeah, I was thinking of getting an iPad... Let’s talk about your Kindle, because obviously you just love the Kindle and this will be a great conversation, certainly more interesting than the book that you

Ugh these anecdotes are too familiar. I am rude and confrontational, so mine usually segue into, “I’m not trying to have a conversation with you right now. I’m just going to keep reading my book and not talk to you.” at which point I tense up for the almost inevitable tirade of “stuck-up bitch”’s coming my way.

I would always avoid reading in public because it just seemed like too easy of a pick up line, “Oh I love Tolkien!” or whatever so I’d get anxious that someone was going to force me into conversation bc they could pretend to be interested in something I clearly was interested in. And now...I have my kindle and I

“But apparently it’s not nearly as difficult as figuring out when to leave a total stranger the hell alone.”

But, but, but, your choice of prose is impeccable. I just HAD to interrupt.