Anonymous HoBag

The rolling-on-your-back thing must be the greatest thing. The look of sheer joy my guys get- I can only dream to be so blissful.

Thanks! He’s such a little trooper. He had bone cancer in his jaw. He’s doing great now, happy and healthy.

What an amazing image. To me, it looks like someone was smashing Cosby’s face, like you might do to a photo of someone who wronged you.

Isn’t he the best? He just beat cancer, too. He’s a tough mofo underneath that cuddly exterior.

Always happy to oblige.

I watched this in action a few years ago. One hungover Sunday morning, I trekked down to the local McDonalds (don’t judge me, egg mc muffins are awesome). The 50-something pajama-clad lady in front of me would not stop arguing with the cashier that she had bought a cappuccino there before. Cashier lady was a

Ooh-challenge me, please! Please?

She has a southern drawl, which does make you sound a little drunky. Beyoncé suffers from this affliction as well. Granted, we Southern girls do like our booze, so maybe it's both!

I’ve seen that! I routinely get all “Criminal Minds” when I suspect someone is attempting to con us. Most of the time I google their name and get a laundry list of arrests for similiar shenanigans.

Can someone please tell Ricky Gervais that awful “cross-eyed, multiple chins” pose isn't funny? He posts that shit on the daily, and it sceeves me out. He seems to think its comedy gold.

Yep. I had someone falsely accuse us of food poisoning- the person flat out said “give me a gift certificate or I will post negative reviews”. I wanted it removed for defamatory comments, but nope. I was asked if I would like to purchase an upgraded account, however.

“I didn’t feel properly welcomed”. WTF did you expect- a goddamn parade to your table?

It’s not bad for search purposes. As in, “damn, i’m hungry. Let’s see what restaurants are close”. But never trust the reviews. They aren’t quite as shady as the bedbug trolls**, but they are pretty fucking shady.

“Great googley-moogly, Kim! Don’t call me that in public.”

I absolutely love makeup, and I enjoyed the hell out of her Instagram. I get that some gals just aren’t into it, but dammit, makeup is so fun. Like playing dress-up. I think it’s pretty cool to show that these glamorous bombshells start out looking like normal everyday girls.

Only if you invite me too. I’ll bring the straws.

No one is asking her to drink the alcohol. Sorry, but beverage service is part of a flight attendant’s job. Jehovah’s Witnesses don't use credit cards, but if your cashier is one, he or she won't stop you from using yours.

This. Artisinal arsenic and poison ivy salad, anyone? Drizzled with opium oil for maximum naturalness.

Except that he blabbed to you about it, and you, in turn, posted here. Not very good at NDA-ing.

Good looks and natural talent can only take you so far. I feel bad for her, as she is so obviously mentally ill, but I can't look away from her antics.