
Wait, she’s a professional ‘model,’ right? That is the most awkward, non-Duchenne smile I’ve seen in years...

Seek therapy.

This is gold.

I have ‘fuck me money’. Does that count?

It’s from a 1971 book on show business.

Geez, you act like he’s horrible at golf too. How can one person be horrible at everything?

I came to this comment section specifically for this discussion. I’ve looked at this for a few minutes now, and I still cannot tell what the fuck I’m looking at. I agree that the club head, and where he is looking and the bend in his leg look like a really bad and unathletic backswing. But his hands are upside and

There’s never a goddamn bathtub around when you need it the most.

Fattest president since Taft.

Fattest president since Taft? Fattest president since Taft.

A ton, yes. I believe they adopted six. Those poor fucking kids.

Like this?

The moral of the story is “don’t ever, ever work for a startup without demanding an equity share.” That’s all the spoiled brat starting the company cares about, and you are just a piece of equipment to him (and it will almost always be a him.)

X can always equal zero.

The phrase “fuck you money” goes back at least to the ‘80s. The idea is that once you have enough money, you can work on what you want to work on and say “fuck you” to any job or project that you don’t want to do.

Was it a nice boot?

Would you be quiet, I’m busy sacrificing a goat to Zeus!

You mean where you work really well, make successful products, and see raises that exceed inflation? You’re so old school! Though not old school enough that you have to pay your employer rent that comes out of your paycheck before you even get it.

+1 tarnished legacy

Joe Paterno’s son is already denying he knew anything about this.