It’s like the Che T-shirt in that respect though. Don’t agree with either. That said I would totally buy prints of her/her art.
It’s like the Che T-shirt in that respect though. Don’t agree with either. That said I would totally buy prints of her/her art.
Yeah they “prettied” her up for the doll. It’s like Zoe Saldana playing Nina Simone. Someone’s unique and even ethnic features, especially when it was such a large part of their identity/source of pride, shouldn’t be whitewashed.
I’m sorry you experienced that Kat.
I am sorry for what you went through with your mom and your ex.
The restraining part is difficult. Having some trouble reading these responses. How does one calm down when the person threatening you is restraining you?
I’m sorry you experienced that. That is the terrible thing is that we still think of protecting these men from consequences of their own terrible actions. Oh he might lose his dignity and career and endure the horrors of prison. Nevermind that he just tried to harm another person.
Your prompt “Whenever life gets you
And using money he shouldn’t to settle his own private messes.
I always pay off debt for other friends, expecting nothing in response. I’m sure he was paying for a weekend getaway or something as a favor.
Raised as an evangelical here. Also in the South. This lady is batshit. I had an aunt like her though. It irks me when people spread this crap because people who need medical care don’t get it. I’m not against prayer and studies have shown it can help believers in their healing process but we have the means for people…
So freaking adorable!
Have you seen his doc, Going Clear? It details ongoing harassment against Paul and other ex-members.
While I fully believe this statement from the White House is fishy it appears the Reuters article on Obama also misspelled the doctor’s name:
Very short and to the point. More incisive than the post in my opinion.
Wasn’t the argurment against the retirement of the SR-71 that satellites were not as effective because they didn’t have the agility or element of surprise the SR71 could provide? Satellites have known trajectories and are slower to reposition. I thought the targets could anticipate the satellite flyby because of this.
I agree over all the Dems are just not getting a message worth hearing or getting things done as you point out. I am amazed they pulled it out in Virginia because, at least for governor, the message was Trump is crazy.
It’s pretty funny. I definitely agree stupid is part of it.