I wish she could’ve made this known so that maybe she’d encourage others to do the same...but of course she never would’ve heard the end of that. I’m sure people would’ve said she was just doing it for the attention or w/e.
I wish she could’ve made this known so that maybe she’d encourage others to do the same...but of course she never would’ve heard the end of that. I’m sure people would’ve said she was just doing it for the attention or w/e.
My company (a private university actually) recently went through a “prioritization” process because we were bleeding money every year. The whole thing was touted as being very transparent, and all suggestions for cuts were going to be made by teams of staff and faculty. We spend a year and a lot of damn money on this…
Big deal.
This is the kind of heroism that literally every single American CEO should be capable of:
Sorry, but Puja’s article made me think of this:
Number 7 will shock you!
“The 140 Characters You Meet In Heaven.”
TWEET like nobody is watching
Um...spoiler alert, please. I wanted to wait and read it in real time.
It will be “Rosebud.”
When seconds count, the police are only minutes away.
both you two love to shame the woman rather than take care to consider the complexity of it all. How does Hillary feel for Bill very publicly shaming her? While you demand other women have agency to manage their trauma, Hillary in your view gets no agency.
Do you think in 1978 HRC was planning her post First Lady career?
I was voting age in 1992, and I definitely buy that at that point, HRC was thinking about her career post Bill Clinton’s run for President. I don’t know that I buy her thinking that far ahead in 1978, when she’s been accused of intimidating Broaddrick.…
Juanita’s description of Hillary’s behavior read to me like a wife talking to a mistress. I got an I-know-you’re-fucking-my-husband vibe, personally.
Yup. And everyone seems to be angrier at Hillary for all of this than the man actually accused of rape. Until that stops being the case, I refuse to let the alleged actions of Hillary’s husband impact my opinion of her as a candidate. And she is still by far the best candidate in this election.
This is a huge issue for me with regards to HRC, but I wonder if she convinced herself that these women were all willing? Not excusing HRC at all— but I suspect that she thought her husband was a philanderer, not a rapist, and that made it easy to blame the women and move on.
Olympics: Simone Manuel shares historic night with some white guy.
Seriously?! Not just all of this ridiculousness, but you DIDN’T GO WITH YOUR WIFE WHEN SHE WAS COMPETING IN THE OLYMPICS?!?! How many Superbowls did you make her sit through? She literally competes one week every four years. WTF?
It might be equally unlikely that he would have been president without her. They support each other’s ambitions and like most couples, drive each other’s destinies.