
Blackmailing in middle school for nudes is ground-level sociopath, like in the bone sociopath. He’s only going to get worse. 

Not to butt back in, but absolutely. Do something else.

What’s that Zevon line? “You can dream the American dream, but you sleep with the lights on and wake up with a scream?” I always took that one to mean that sometimes who we were overtakes who we want to be, and what overtook this guy is a terrible look any day of

Get a job that doesn’t involve working with the public, get some therapy, and learn how to be a decent person.”

A psychopath would totally forge ahead like this guy is doing.

Even his website seems to be filled with misdirection and bullshit:

Exactly. Should Biden win — please God let Biden win — I expect a lot of proud boys, neo-nazis and men’s rights activists to announce they have seen the light, become Democrats and run for office. This will result in either the Republican winning or electing right wing trolls to state and federal offices which will

He’s a right wing troll running as a democrat. This is their new tactic now. Try to infiltrate our party and destroy it from the inside. The republican party are just a bunch of edgelord trolls now.

Even though it’s never been a book I loved, the movie made me appreciate the story much more. I think for that, Greta Gerwig deserves props!

Shit, I like Little Women the book, and thought this was the superior adaptation—and, well acted, directed, and edited to boot. And bears worth noting, particularly well-acted by Saoirse Ronan. 

Sunk costs fallacy and all that.

Obvious to those who use “fixin to” and the short hand versions.  Not so much to those who don’t.  Thanks again!  Let us all have a great weekend. 

Bieber. You know that little fuck doesn’t wipe down the equipment. 

I genuinely despise this gaudy dress. Both of their outfits are so try-hard sad. 

What will the people who have been saying “We wouldn’t criticize them leaving if only they gave up the money” find to criticize them (i.e. Meghan) for now? I’m sure the problem will be that they are rejecting Harry’s poor, vulnerable 90+ year old grandmother, or some other reason.

This ‘what about the children?!’ question isn’t it though. Kids, including my own, are really into butts. They are the number one topic and base of jokes. Kids wouldn’t be shocked and appalled, they’d be like ‘yes, more butt and fart joke material!’.

Probably because as priests they would of course know that all chaps are ass less and your adding ass less onto the word is blasphemous in the circles they run in.

...Wait, did I just learn something about Douglas Adams?

I honestly don’t understand what the problem is. If. As long as you’re not licking the seat you’ll all be just fine. And as far as “what about the children?!” I’m sure you could explain a dance move to them. They played her song while she was there and you expect her to NOT twerk? As far as I can tell, beyond some of

Do you know what Rule #2 of the nudist colony is (after Rule #1 Don’t be a creeper)? Always bring a towel.

It is taboo as hell to sit somewhere without a towel.
