
From one of our local weeklies here in Portland:

I saw it this morning. =( It’s hard for me to stomach this is actually happening. I’ve been commenting here so long that I remember when AJ was the editor. I’m scared Jezebel is next, and honestly I fucking hate Peter Thiel and wish only hateful things happen to him.

This is fucking awesome.

I know this comment isn’t related to any of the headlines in the post but I am truly sad that Deadspin is over. 

That they are keeping their jobs is more proof of a system that protects cops at any expense, including public safety and the law.

“I feel disrespected by the memory of people pointing out I was a deadbeat, rather than the fact that I’m a deadbeat, so I guess my only recourse is to teach my ex a lesson and get her arrested”

If it was a stand up sheriff’s department, they would do an internal investigation because falsely swearing to an affidavit IS a crime.

I’m glad this worked out in her favor; I kept waiting for the other shoe to drop. But that asshat and his douche-nozzle friends got what they deserved (though not a firing). If only every domestic abuse case had a happy ending like this.

Just don’t take any from Hawaii... Pele *really* doesn’t like that and all sorts of voodoo will befall you if you do.

More trans Michael: literally taking down a photo of the old you and talking about how much it hurts to look at it, and being afraid of the people you knew “before” still seeing you the same old way.

“It’s okay to feel or plead guilty...”

I don’t know, people said the trailer is plot heavy, and I’m all “what are you talking about?!” but I have my tickets and I’m excited and they can kill who they want as long as Mark Hamill remains a national treasure on Twitter.

And Johnny Depp has a history of violence. When did he get arrested for trashing the Mark in NYC? It was after a fight with Kate Moss so it must have been the early -mid 90s?

Man, I know exactly what you mean about Angelina Jolie. She inspires an irrational, murderous rage in so many people that I flinch when I see photos of her in the press. The way they talk about her, too -- the succubus, monster, soul-eating stuff -- is all about stripping her of her humanity at the most basic level.

“Amber Heard no longer feigns any effort to prove her abuse hoax. The mountain of evidence is simply too high, and she and her co-conspirators keep running from their depositions. Instead, she and her #TimesUp legal team have moved on to a vague PR smear campaign against Mr. Depp, for which there will be addiitonal

Miley, this shit is exactly why people think of the sexuality spectrum as a phase or “just trying to get attention.” It’s one thing to still be working things out, it’s another to announce queerness is because men are sucky. ONE HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THE OTHER.

Johnny Depp... theres picture and video evidence against him. Amber might not be the “perfect victim” but very few, if any, of us are

Can Depp just go away -__-

George Lucas strikes me as the type of person to put in slightly more effort than anyone else on a team project and then convinces themself that they did all the work and deserve all the credit.

I don’t see how it’s in question because clearly the movie originally had Solo shooting Greedo. Just because the film was edited to add in Greedo firing doesn’t change the original. It’s like when they changed the guns in ET to walkie talkies. Does anyone question whether they really had guns or not? Of course not,