This article just makes me mad all over again at all my friends who are so called Star Wars fans that bitched and moaned about this movie.
I’m not Canadian, so I’ll ignore this whole debate on whether Canada has free or limited speech, but in the case of the guy in the article, Twitch, like any other website has terms of service, which includes not doing the things listed in this article. His crime was repeatedly and egregiously violating the terms of…
You’re kinda moving the goalposts here. The other person said they have free speech, while you responded it doesn’t count because it’s not absolute.
It’s not self propulsion. it’s a force pull. Luke pulled the lightsaber from the snow in ESB with zero training. The light saber was small, he was big, the lightsaber was loose (somewhat) and he was anchored, therefore the lightsaber came to him.
By and large, People against The Last Jedi are dumb.
I feel like it’s the same people who don’t like Rey being Force sensitive and finding she has a near-instinctual power in the Force. Which is to say people who only think the Force should be for boys, not for yucky cootie girls.
She wasn’t trained to do such a thing, you are asking for master feats whilst she hasn’t even ever demonstrated knowing of the basic stuff. It was instinctive, much like Ray’s escape scene in TFA.
“It’s an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us and penetrates us; it binds the galaxy together.” - Obi-Wan Kenobi
Rian Johnson Explains Leia’s Big Last Jedi Move Again for Fans Who Are Having Trouble Accepting It
Honestly, I have never understood why this scene is at all controversial. I came away with pretty much this exact explanation right away.
Jesus, how is it so hard for you to understand this? This is a gaming news website. They report on news that is relevant to gaming. Not all of it is going to be stuff you want to read. This isn’t Boing Boing Zoom’s Interests Only News. But there’s a quick fix: scroll to the next article. That way you move on to…
“Nobody comes for stuff like this.”
Your comment reminds me of the people who throw a fit whenever a game gets “political,” as if video games can never be more than meaningless toys for killing time.
Correction: You don’t want to know this stuff. Look at the votes for your initial comment and the one that counters it. You’re losing 1o to 1, which means the vast majority of us do want to know about this stuff. Perhaps you need to seek out a more myopic gaming site to suit your limited window of acceptable topics.
Kotaku is journalism above all things. That includes stuff like this. Games journalism shouldn’t have to be reduced to reviews, previews, and fluff.
Cover your eyes and scream “lalalalala” and pretend harassment doesn’t happen in the industry.
“ugh why do people keep reporting on all this child molesting. I just want to enjoy college football. Go Penn State!” - how you sound.
Please tell me you’re trolling. I’ve just swapped out HDDs for SSDs in so many friends and coworkers machines. Machines they were convinced needed to be replaced. And every single one of them has marveled at how much faster the machine just works. Not loads. Works. I have a RAID on my machine for installations of…