
Not happening. There's some tricky copyright issues that got overlooked in the first place having to do with the soundtrack. AFAIK, they don't want to go back and redo those parts, plus the sales would be too low to justify it.

The actors were talking to pieces of paper on a wall? Well, that explains everything.

"they're obviously too complex for you "

To me, THQ will always be about the '90s. Whenever I see the name, I still think "licensed garbage". Sorry.

Piracy is rampant and doesn't even require rooting/jailbreaking, and Android users usually won't "purchase" something unless it has that magical word "free".

Americans are terrified of change. The best example: Look at your money. It looks pretty much the same as it did 100 years ago, and adding even a slight bit of colour to it was met with howling rage. Oh, and something about the metric system...

It's not a throwback if it's never changed.

Regarding the 8GB of RAM, don't dev kits usually contain double the RAM in order to facilitate debugging? So in this case, it would fit with the 4GB rumoured for the console itself.

I swear I've seen that logo before. I can't put my finger on it, but I have seen it.

I'm probably near the top of the hater pyramid. I barely play games anymore, but I read game blogs every day, have a small collection of faves from 2012 and stretching back 25 years, and have tremendous disdain for Halo, CoD, and Madden. :)

You were personally offended by that article?

You know what the best part about iOS is? As long as you Android users keep not paying for anything ever, devs will target my platform with fun games and good apps. :)

I've gotta agree on him being the best ever. Sure, he was simple, but so is The Joker. Also, Kefka wasn't even "the" villain at the beginning of the game. He was the assistant to the villain.

Nintendo Power eventually failed because it was a mass-market magazine, and there is no mass market for them anymore.

Dragon Ball relies heavily on the "Neville" factor.

No cornier than anything RTD ever did.

For as long as I can remember, I've had dreams where I can do the equivalent of skateboard on air. Just sort start to run, then coast along on the air.

"Stephen Colbert" Trolls = OK

"Gamers" are a bunch of immature twits, generally. This observation is coming to you from someone who's played games most of his life, worked at a game store in the '90s, and ran a semi-successful game site and forum. Personally, I've kept away from the gaming communities in recent years, and hate associating with

I don't see anyone buying this outside of teenage boys obsessed with overclocking their custom gaming rigs. The kind that have a meltdown whenever anyone mentions console gaming.