“Hello, work? Just letting you know I’m feeling sick and will be taking the 14th - 16th off. No, not tomorrow. June 14.
“Hello, work? Just letting you know I’m feeling sick and will be taking the 14th - 16th off. No, not tomorrow. June 14.
Bought a computer just to respond to you.
I dunno... I kind of liked it better when it was called Dragon Quest III.
Amazing game. Probably won’t come West. I mean, don’t get me wrong, I hate to have that attitude, but we have yet to see the 3DS remake of DQVII. I beg Square Enix to localize VII at least once a month. I even ask Nintendo to step in a publish it like they have a few times before. All of this, to no avail. It hurts…
Dragon Quest V would like to see you in its office.
...where is all the Taylor Swift?
Problem is, then it wouldn’t be a Witcher game. The TES games are my favourite series, in large part because of the character customization, but they can’t do that for a game based on a series of books that are intensely character-driven by Geralt and co.
Geralt is a massive, far cry from “generic”. In fact, any character that you can create yourself is generic, limited to a flat baseline personality that anyone can squeeze their own interpretations into. Geralt, on the other hand, is an established character with two short story collections and five novels worth of…
I actually completed grandia 2 but all I hear when reading this is:
They couldn’t afford him.
She’s got, like, zero lumps!
I don't know that I've ever read a comic that I would deem "necessary."
This is how I remind you.
I need more of you playing horror games. I vote for a weekly session.
What I like about this whole depower and outing things is this isn’t happening to Superman, it’s happening to Clark. There’s a stronger divide between SUPERMAN and Clark. And Clark is the one that is getting dumped on in the luck department. He’s the one waking up with hangover. He’s the one being outted. He’s the one…
It’s really all about ethics in metahuman journalism