
I love how this has encapsulated my sentiments towards the DC and Marvel comics. Too many non comic book readers ask me which one is better and it’s like the characters and their depictions are so completely different that they’re impossible to compare! I mean, for all their idealism, DC comics generally give me an

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What’s stupid is that all the people arguing about superman are wrong and the movie is also wrong. Superman really is an amazing superhero. He sees everything and his reaction speed is genuinely superhumanly fast. A simple slow motion shot, where they could have shown how superman planned out the fight with Zod to

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would have loved it if the series had not modernized everything and instead played during the 80s but a great series, even if the finale was a bit weak and ..

Yeah, seriously. Between Mario Kart and Mortal Kombat, my marriage is turning into a bloodbath.

I recommend completing the CC’s 2-player to get all 3 stars, it makes it way easier and turns Mario Kart into a cool co-op adventure instead of a friendship destroyer with one goal: One of you will have to get 1st place on every track while the second player will make sure the NPC’s do not get past the first player.

No one could pull random comics from across the internet as well as you Mike.

Some designs never go out of style

I love Age of Empires. I suck so fucking bad at it, but I love it.

The mistake they made here isn't charging money for a bunch of colour overlays. Buy it, don't buy it, whatever. The mistake is taking the trouble to write a statement about how it's to justify worker hours on creating them.

I think I’m one of the only people that started reading DC BECAUSE of the New 52; is everything good? No; but I like it better then what came before.

Gameplay footage is not fair use, as nothing about it is transformative. If you were to upload a review then that would be fair use, however talking over footage or just uploading footage is not fair use. That won’t change until this subject is involved in a court hearing.

Use a baby spoon to eat ice cream or other soft desserts. Smaller bites=more time to savor food=greater feeling of satisfaction.

N=1. Weigh loss is relatively easy compared to keeping it off. I’ve had major success with low carbing, but it really boils down to finding a diet plan you can live with, and follow it for the rest of your life.

I would never recommend this game to everyone, but I want to make sure the curious know it’s possible for them to enjoy it. These games have a reputation of being “hard,” which turns off a lot of people. It turned ME off for a long time, too. But I gave them a chance, and I finally understood why they were amazing.

When the general internet seems a little put-off by a comment you made, how hard is it to resist putting your back up and just take some feedback? I'm not having a conniption, dude. I'm trying to help you see that the phrasing you chose was kind of insulting. And I had no idea if you actually knew some men struggle to

"Dudes are gonna come regardless because DICK."

I'm a dude, and in my entire sexual history, there has only been one orgasm I haven't been nearly entirely responsible for. One. Every other time, I've had to pull magic tricks to pop on command for whoever I was with, or they got theirs and I got left to rub one out in

Not all men are so quick to orgasm. The very first time I had sex, I went for almost 2 hours and didn't even get close (ended up with the worst blue balls in history). It takes me forever to orgasm. I've actually had to fake it numerous times just so I could stop and rest.

I don't disagree that women need/deserve more prep to come. And your metaphor is solid and accurate in its basic description. I just don't think it fully provides a fair context. In other words, just because a guy finishes doesn't mean it was super enjoyable. I can think of plenty of sexual encounters I've had—and

I take it you had a really awful time in high school English class.