
I hope he's okay to be honest. I wonder what happened.

Many black women didn't need implants to get a big butt either :)

I'm not sure it's shallow to prefer athletic bodies, compared to, say, only liking blondes. Health is such a major part of life, especially when you are over 30, that it's actually practical to like people who are in shape. Your partner's health issues, including things like weight-related problems but also substance

I don't know what you mean by "usually," but the new figure skating scoring system implemented in 2005 does favor technical skill over artistry, and is a real problem for a lot of skaters of both genders whose talent lies more in the latter. [Christian Science Moniter]

Do they not understand that once they start complaining about lack of sex, the probability of sex declines exponentially?

African women have had this backside since the 1600's in America/Latin America...nothing new. White women, welcome to the party sisters...have some punch.

That's sad for men, because I really doubt you can learn to be attracted to someone. I guess that explains a lot of those eventually entirely sexless longterm relationships. Women start them with the best intentions - well, he ticks all the other boxes on the list, doesn't he, and who would be so shallow?, the rest

Oh Cosmo, I would love to show you the gloriousness that is my bubble butt, but you're usually going out of your way to make me feel fat. You can't have it both ways.

I think it is, but there is also the pervasive sense among certain demographics of men that they are owed a conventionally hot partner (and will only accept a conventionally hot partner) who will adore them because they are "good guys." This is regardless of where they fall on the spectrum of conventional

Um. Since when do all men with rock hard bodies and handsomely rugged faces like exactly the same in a mate? If she finds ones who are into her, what the hell does it matter?

Yes! When we say "looks matter" it's not that we mean "ONE arbitrarily-defined standard of beauty that everyone must conform to matters." We mean we want to be with someone that we, as individuals, find physically (as well as intellectually and emotionally) attractive - and that varies hugely from person to person. My

People are getting yucked out but it's true. How many "love stories" do you hear where the man wore the woman down or eventually convinced her to give him a shot and, lo and behold, they fell in love and lived happily ever after? Have you ever heard the reverse? :crickets: If a man isn't physically attracted to a

But in terms of statistics or whatever, there's a difference between claiming that everyone finds x or y people less attractive and claiming that less of the overall population with find x or y people attractive at all. It would make sense to me that a thin, symmetrically-faced people would have more options in terms

Actually, I have three great girlfriends who are pretty big- two of them having the sort of \ / shaped bodies (narrow hips, broad ribcage and shoulders), which is the least celebrated shape- and they all have boyfriends/fiancés who are stereotypically attractive dudes. One guy is even a fitness fanatic. And guess

Also, "I'm not 'super hot' but I want women who are 'super hot'. I get mad when women also place importance on physical appearance."

Kind of telling who he used as his examples: Leno, Larry the Cable Guy, himself. Guess he figured he'd invalidate his thesis if he mentioned Jon Stewart, Stephen Colbert, or Craig Ferguson.

Yeah, "annoying" and "funny" are not synonyms.

Oh god. And his example is a model friend of his.

Can we also just point out that sometimes personality traits lead to attractiveness? I've seriously only ever dated one guy to whom I was physically attracted at first sight. No, you're not going to date someone who you find ugly. But your personality can make you more attractive. Physically, even. If you make me

I think when women say "I want a man who makes me laugh" they are not thinking about Gilbert Gottfried. I have never met anyone of any gender who finds him funny.