
Children are NOT supposed to be able to go everywhere. That way, they will have something to look forward to as adults.

Thanks for sharing! After a lousy week, THIS is what I need to climb out of the valley. Also Q.U.E.E.N.

My guess is that some people who don't want children have that position because they are thoughtful and think ahead. For example, they are unable to give a child the type of opportunities they would like. On the other hand, half of all pregnancies in the USA are unplanned.

I feel the same way about studies comparing married people and single people. The single group should be further broken down to separate into never married/divorced/widowed and not looking, and never married/divorced/widowed and looking.

Clearly, your community has intercultural exposure, and thus people there are not culturally ignorant. My community is quite segregated by race and class, which fosters intercultural ignorance. As a POC, I got sick of the microagressions at work and stopped eating lunch with my local coworkers.

I live in a mostly black/white community.

It's great to hear that you are taking control of your life. Care to share how you did it? Is your family supportive? Did your parents set a great example of relationships? Are you light-hearted, feminine, and flirty like Zaza Gabor? Are you well educated? Did you attend private schools? Did you socialize with a wide

You have a point about "Midwestern." When I moved to the Midwest, after living in L.A. and D.C., at a certain point, I called home to tell my mother, "I am not used to interacting with this type of (homogenous and culturally unaware) white people."

My grad school crush, who was at most an inch taller than me, called me a "giantess." He later dated a petite classmate. I am only 5'10"

Conditioner is a curl's best friend.

It's easy for white women in homogenous/small town/southern/midwestern communities to dismiss this issue, because it generally benefits them, and "love is love" means that men from various ethnicities either prefer them or will at least consider them as a prospective mate. However, in communities with a larger

My parents are married, so I hear you about black men acting responsibly.

If love is truly colorblind, then inter-whatever pairings would be even across the board, with no groups doing so in higher numbers than other groups.

He is not obligated to address the devaluation of black women to the public, but he is to his daughters so that they are proud of the black side of their heritage

It's so frustrating to feel like you accomplished something by detangling all of your tightly coiled hair, and then a light breeze blows for a couple seconds or your hair grows a millimeter, rotating while it does so, and back to a head full of tangles.

No, it wasn't.

Some people did say that about Seinfeld.

It's ok to go out alone! I am in my 30s and met my current bf at a concert.

She is spot on about the plight of bus-riders. What good are 17 buses at once?

I have one too, and it means that a drawstring is necessary to actually swim laps without worrying about the bikini bottom coming off. It also means that lying down on hard surfaces, like a concrete pool deck, hurts.