
Angela Bassett studied at Yale, as well. Viola studied at Julliard. These things don't matter in the scheme of things when young white charismatic women take all the meaty roles. Sorry.

Dude, Jennifer Lawrence is great. She's an amazing actress and has a wonderful personality. Lupita should be getting more roles, I absolutely agree - but we don't have to take down one great woman to bring up another.

Other than that weird sweat sock. I don't really get the sock. But my lord! Looking fine! (Other than the weird sock ;)

I have always marveled at how gorgeous jewel tones are on darker- skinned women. Simply stunning.

I disagree with capping the payments. Why should a wealthy man pay a lower percentage of his income than a poor man?

Hear hear! I worked as a legal assistant in collections for 6 years, family law for 3 (now I'm going for my Nursing degree because that's a long story) but ugh, sooo much misconception about family law from people, tons from my firm's clients.

but... but..... but...I can't feeeeeel anythiiiiiiing. (╥╯﹏╰╥)ง

I agree that feminists should be (and often are!) completely in favor of more custody for men. It's like that article that came out recently about how mandatory paternity care is good for working women because it normalizes the idea that men take care of kids.

right wing ideologues at the state level are working busily to ensure that women can't physically access the care the federal government is trying to expand. It's like the federal government built a dream house halfway up a mountain and handed women the keys, but states were like, let's make it illegal to build a

I mean, Leslie Mann probably could give you advice about how to marry a director and further your career, if that's what you want.

20 bucks says this guy just loves to harp on "personal responsibility" as a reason for denying women abortions. Because you should have used better judgment and not gotten pregnant, right?

It's pretty much how they want taxes to be — a flat rate, not at all taking into account the circumstances of the person in question. Because fuck logic!

I'm gonna go with I hate relationship advice in general. (Most) women get annoyed when women are portrayed as one monolithic group who feels the same about everything, so who says the same advice will work for different men (or women)? So then the only sound advice boils down to "Don't be a jerk." There, I've given

Can I just say that I fucking hate Steve Harvey??? I don't understand what kind of women would listen to him for relationship advice! Let's go over his expertise and general attitude toward life, shall we?

1. Being in a long-term relationship doesn't mean you are in a successful relationship. You can be married and miserable for the rest of your life.

But the US has the most greatest epicest health care and employee benefits system anywhere, "said nobody but a right wing Republican!"

Same. If only I could uproot my entire family and move them out of Missouri... I would dearly love to live in the Pacific Midwest.

Feel like I should point out that not all Americans are entitled to any leave at all. If your employer has under 50 employees and you haven't been at your job for 12 months and are full-time, you're entitled to nothing. Contractors are also entitled to nothing. You can just be let go for asking for more than your

My wife is currently in maternity leave with our 6-week old baby boy and it is crazy to think that if we lived in the US (we are in Canada), her paid leave would be up and she would be expected to go back to work. She's not physically or emotionally in a place to just head back to work and the idea of putting a child

And unfortunately, the worst states also have large populations in poverty and poor health care in general for people in poverty. They have small, if any, middle-class. They generally have corporations that have enormous profit investments in their remaining cheap and regulation-less. They have large communities of