
Dear sir, I for one am deeply offended with how you refer to this man as part of a S’more. S’mores are awesome and bring together white, black, and tan together in a wonderful, harmonious union. This asshole is clearly the mayo of a mayo only white bread sandwich.

Two tips I can add, at least when it comes to e-mail:

Damn, woman; if you’re bored, just do what the rest of us do and masturbate instead.

Just to be clear; the apology is only in this editorial, right? Trudeau hasn’t acknowledged or made any comment on it himself beyond saying he didn’t remember anything negative happening that day, right? Just trying to be clear; some of the comments I’m reading seem to be saying Trudeau’s admitted his guilt and

Bowling Green. After the massacre, obviously.

I’m pretty sure the idea is that she’s repelling all the dicks, perhaps as a visual metaphor for resisting all the negativity thrown at her.

Whether this server was just trying to say, “negro” or meant to drop the n-word, it’s still not a great sign that she chose the customer’s skin color as a means of identification. Ask for a name, write the table number or the number of people at the table; ANYTHING other than how they look or their skin color. It

You know, as terrible as this game sounds, I’d still play it over Trump: The Game in a heartbeat.

Wait; I thought cotton picking is what kept your mind IN. Did, “Get Out” lie to me?!

I can’t tell if Melania was really that dense or is just trying to set up a scenario where they can try to turn it around on anybody who criticizes her for that jacket is just critizing her looks. At least she and Trump share one activity together; trolling.

Damn; Betsy DeVos works fast!

What’s worse here; the review itself or the editors that read it and thought, “No problem here”?

While I’m glad these guys have the courage to put their balls on the line in this public display of frottage, I think they’re doing it wrong.

Had a guy walking around my store Friday, wearing a Mets shirt and shorts with a Confederate Flag design on it. Fuck man; the Mets are embarrassing enough this season. They don’t need to be tied to that as well.

Well, I guess we all learned a valuable lesson here; never do anything for your mother-in-law. It’ll end poorly in one way or another.

$100 says Trump’s tweeting about how great a job the police investigating this case within a week.

Is anybody really surprised things didn’t go well between the big ass and Kim Kardashian?

...Except that’s not really what they said. At no point did anyone say that his views were justified; they ruled the CCRC fucked up and went too far. The CCRC didn’t just say it was wrong for the baker to discriminate against the couple because of his religious beliefs; they specifically made a point of saying his

Me having mis-read the headline: “I know the loss of any loved one is tragic, but $4 million is nothing to sneeze at...”

...Um, pretty sure I never tried to make THAT point. I just said that it’s an uncomfortable subject, and not one that I think a lot of guys are actively going to be seeking out to have with people unless it does touch on them in someway. That doesn’t mean they shouldn’t be involved; just that they may need a push to