
Strategic kitten reserves are a staple of any good party.

I guarantee once this nightmare ends, whether we’re able to get the numbers to vote this overgrown orangutan out or he finishes both terms, a few years will pass and the White news media are going to treat Trump like a old buddy from college. They’ll do press tours and softball interviews on shows like Good Morning

This is expectedly shitty, but does it mean anything politically? Are there actually laws being broken here?

This is why I always hit the drive-thru.

I don’t know if he has changed his stance on this or not, but the one thing I didn’t like reading was that he doesn’t stream with women because of the drama that it brings to his channel. I could respect him 100% if he would change that. He has turned himself into this giant gaming figure but thinks it’s OK to cut out

I had a pretty similar reaction. I’ll take peoples’ word that this was meant to be some kind of racist statement, but I’m pretty much oblivious to the specific implications. It just looks like someone picked up some random litter and tossed it on a tree to me.

When I read that headline I thought he’d shot himself. I really did.

When Donald Trump Says Scary Time For Young Men He Means Young White Men

They’re on top of the world and are in control of the whole game, but can’t stop playing the victim card and whining like pathetic losers about how much everyone is out to get them. It’s not only annoying, it’s completely counterproductive, as they’re going to wake up soon on the bottom of the world, with no one to

It could be added that unless you’re talking about a superhero who kills criminals (which (a) Spider-Man is emphatically not and (b) I’d think the author would also have problems with), then by definition a superhero has to work with the police to some extent because there’s no other mechanism for dealing with

“I can’t really blame the police for taking their time on this one”

No. Not furries. Furries get laid. A lot. Way too much, actually. Not really healthy, that much. Definitely not sane.

Ah Jeez! Put up a trigger warning will ya? That’s fucking disgusting.

Following this logic, tomorrow’s headline has to be: “Roseanne Barr special envoy to Iran”. Can shit get any more ridiculous in our country?

Yeah, I’ve been called racist exactly once while working customer service in a previous life. It was surprising, and kind of weird. Ultimately, nothing happened to me because I wasn’t being a racist. I think this another case of hit dogs hollering.

The way I see it, if I got dick-slapped, I’d take that shit to the grave.

with the crusts cut off

Thought this said “The look for fall is fury” and was like yes

OK, the Mets may be prone to a unique breed of ineptitude, but at least they’ve never been traitors to their nation (so far) over the desire to enslave other humans (so far). The Venn Diagram of Confederacy-humping dolts and Mets fan dolts should show no overlap whatsoever. I can only therefore assume that this guy

I dunno, the way Gomez stayed down suggests two guys, one cup.