
I’m not saying I’m definitely doing the same, but I am saying they’re calling for anywhere between 7-10 inches of snow around here tonight into tomorrow. As much as it pains me to go to my wonderful retail job where I can get screamed at for hours on end because customers can’t follow simple directions, I may

It’s weird that this article includes a white guy running his fingers through a black woman’s hair and somehow she still comes out as a grosser person overall(at least the dude asked and had permission).

Right; after all, it’s not like anything happened in the following days that might have taken the Senate’s attention away from focusing only on that...

Call me an idiot or hopeless optimist if you must, but I have a question. Why is there only the clip of Biden saying this, and absolutely no context around it either before or after? I have to ask because this is getting a hell of a lot of play on Fox News and all the right wing leaning news sites, and I know Biden’s

One alternative people might want to check out is Print & Play games; if you’re O.K. with having to maybe doing some cutting and pasting(plenty of games just need a sheet of paper and some dice), there’s lots of options available and all at a fairly low price. Print and Play Arcade’s a good place to start if you’re

Now playing

Hell, if Dethklok does it, how could anybody argue against it?

So a guy who’s in his mid 40's spends lots of time watching children near a playground when, presumably, he has no kids of his own there? I’m sure that’s all perfectly normal and definitely not a sign of a child predator and/or racist asshole; nope, not at all.

I dunno; Bush II was bad, but Trump’s just so unapologetically stupid and evil I don’t think many people(outside of Fox News, obviously) are going to be too keen on being all buddy-buddy with him once he’s gone from office. Bush was a moron and evil happened around him, but at LEAST I think he meant well and didn’t

Putting aside the whole, “gaming is a patriarchy and women are unfairly treated for speaking out against it” argument for just a moment and focusing purely on her actions, I can’t really fault Razer at least for choosing to punish her. She represents their brand, and especially with someone who’s primarily a social

So I see the Royal Rumble and 24/7 belt from WWE are already on here, but why stop there? What about having the kids doing a King Of The Road match; have them spelling while on the back of a moving truck? No safety rails, of course.

Well, I’m glad his wife was able to find the courage to come out about the abuse she’s faced. Still, when I read the headline I was expecting there would be a honey pot scheme involved somewhere...

This story’s a bit of an odd one to diagnose from afar; I find it hard(though not impossible) to buy the idea that Scott killed Kenny for some sick racist thrill especially in front of his kids, and I’ve worked with enough shitty co-workers who knew exactly when to turn on the charm and when they could safely reveal

This might not be cool of me as a white dude to say this, but I’m gonna throw it out there. After watching Candace Owens testifying today, I gotta say; I don’t think she knows black history very well.

Alright, I’m still confused as all hell on this. Did the State Attorney’s office give a reason for dropping all the charges? Yes, I read the part about how forfeiting his bail money and his service in the community combined in their decision, but that doesn’t really explain why they dropped all the charges after

To me, I’m guessing it wasn’t a racist move to not put Danai’s on the poster, but it’s also something that you think somebody involved with the creation of the poster should’ve piped up and said, “Uh, guys, it might LOOK really racist or sexist if we leave off the name of the only black woman on the poster. Maybe we

“the new and improved refurbished R. Kelly...”

The design is just so weird; not having gloves but fur covered hands I’m kinda O.K with,but he’s not wearing shoes, either. He just has furry feet that LOOK like sneakers. The hell?...

Without knowing the full extent of what the cops knew of the situation when they were called and exactly how out of control the situation had gotten at that point, I can’t fault the cops too much for just taking the kid out of there if he was being truly disruptive at the time, if only to separate all the parties

Well, I could see it being used as more evidence that Trump’s flaunting of emoluments rules mean that it’s basically understood that this is a backdoor way to bribe Trump to get what you want.