
I remember the episode of South Park they showed after the failed McCain/Palin bid, where they featured all the presidential and vice presidential candidates as high level thieves, working together on a massive heist. They also portrayed Sara Palin as someone who acts really dumb in public, but in private is an

Yeesh; I’m surprised Trump hasn’t already turned NASA into something like Kerbel Space Program...

I’m pretty sure this is the same guy Deadspin’s hired to do the Jon Gruden’s coloring, so at least he has a fallback job.

While I get your point, I also kind of feel like he might be stuck between a rock and a hard place on that. Either he invites women on and risks them getting subjected to trolls and has to spend most of his stream moderating them while also making them a target(indirectly) for future hate, or he doesn’t invite them on

My feelings exactly here...

I have little connection to the series myself beyond having played a couple of the PS2 fighters when I was younger, but from my perspective this seems like a well meaning but ultimately dumb idea. Making what seems to be the most traditionally feminine male character an actual female does come off as a lazy way to

Does someone mind teaching the white dude over here what exactly is racist about the tree? Genuinely asking; I think at best it looks like something a couple of drunk backwoods rednecks would decorate as a tree and sure as hell doesn’t belong in a police station anyway, but as a non-smoker and non-beer drinker(stuff

Does someone mind teaching the white dude over here what exactly is racist about the tree? Genuinely asking; I think at best it looks like something a couple of drunk backwoods rednecks would decorate as a tree and sure as hell doesn’t belong in a police station anyway, but as a non-smoker and non-beer drinker(stuff

Does someone mind teaching the white dude over here what exactly is racist about the tree? Genuinely asking; I think at best it looks like something a couple of drunk backwoods rednecks would decorate as a tree and sure as hell doesn’t belong in a police station anyway, but as a non-smoker and non-beer drinker(stuff

Stupid gravity; always keeping people down.

What the hell’s up with this manager? I mean, I know corporate is stupid sometimes(My own company made my manager call the guy who pulled a gun on me and ask him kindly not to bring it into the store anymore instead of, you know, BANNING HIM FROM THE FUCKING STORE!), but that was months after the fact. I know she

As a writer, I understand sometimes you have to make sacrifices and be willing to compromise a bit when someone(an editor in my case) wants to make changes to your work. That being said, I know that there are some points that are non-negotiable, especially if it’s a key part of the story or article I’m writing. I

That thought was running through my mind for a couple of seconds too before I realized that was meant in a different way.

Finally; a, “both sides” story I can get behind...

Oh it’s scary for young men, Trump; just not for the reason you think. They’re learning if they’re white and male they’ll probably be able to get away with whatever they want, and if they’re not they’re fucked.

Um, Lindsey? I think him acting like Bill Cosby is the reason he’s under a lot of scrutiny right now...

...Uh, lady; you stepped on the back of a prone student. Pretty sure that’d be a fireable offense even without the racism slathered on top.


Misread the title, thought it said, “Meet The Man Who’s Making Life Shit For Steven Miller.” Now I’m sad.

...Yup; about what I expected from the home of the Patriots.