
I agree with your points, and I did say as my opening line I was shocked about the number of guys who said they heard nothing of it. I just think that most men, unless they’re actively see such harrassment going down or are asked directly, may feel like it’s not their place to get involved. If they do, then yes, they

While I am shocked by the number of people who hadn’t heard anything of the #MeToo movement, I’m not terribly surprised it’s not something that’s discussed among groups of men. If they’re not being assholes to women or sexually assaulting them, why would they? Now, if they’re aware of it and don’t call each other out

Oh my God; as a pharmacy technician, apparently I’ve been giving out racism! I never knew! I NEVER KNEW!...

$100 says this guy will also bitch about all the free food people on WIC, Medicaid or other assistance programs and how they’re good for nothing takers.

Hard to say for sure without knowing more about what time of the day this happened and that store’s set up with its managers, but managers who don’t just try and hide in their office are usually pretty busy working on the floor, directing the other employees or maybe even signing in a fresh delivery. The woman with

Listen, if Brown had double parked over handicapped spaces at 10 or 11am, then I would feel justified in personally punching him in the dick for it. But seriously, a multi-car response for doing so at 2am? A warning would be fine, a ticket justified if petty, but not hauling him in after shooting him with a taser for

Listen, I’m sure Florida guy there was just upset because his plan to threaten the employees in hopes of bringing back the McRib failed and he was lashing out.

Given the current political climate, as much as not having Obama around is bad, I worry that the alternative would be way, way worse. I mean, look at how often Trump and the right scream about Obama’s, “wire tapps” and how the FBI was ordered by Obama to put spies in the Trump campaign and all this other nonsense

I don’t know if this is exclusively a white person thing being as I’m one myself, but other people need to realize that it’s not necessarily a personal attack against you when someone engages in some form of protest in your presence. I’m also used to getting blamed for shit I had no idea was happening or had any

No one’s attempting to blame her for being a victim of domestic abuse or committing suicide. It’s the separate act of throwing her child out of a window to his death, knowing that the final time he saw his mother, the woman who bought him into the world, she was ending his life that makes her a murderer.

I can’t tell if the reason I’m not seeing jokes about the lengths this guy has to go through to protect his banana, or how his unchecked banana got him in trouble, or how he’s having to keep people from doing things to his banana without his consent is because they don’t see the jokes or it’s just too easy. I assume

When treating the employees like shit just isn’t enough for you...

I’d argue the classic legal tactic, “Qui fragrantiam, de qua n eam”. For the non-Google translation accessible, that’s Latin for “Whoever smelt it, dealt it”

As someone who does give out money orders as part of their job, I’m calling bullshit on this employee’s concerns about fraud. While I can’t speak for every company’s policy, it’s been made clear the only time we should try and stop a money order is if we have reason to believe that the person who’s sending the money

...Wait; did they tase him WHILE he was in the bath?! Electricity and water go together like MAGA hats and anybody with a soul; how the hell did they not at least charge the cops with negligent homicide or manslaughter for ignoring that?!

My first thought when I saw this story locally Sunday? “It’s a black guy wearing a MAGA hat. If he’s not mentally disturbed, he’s up to something shady”

My thoughts exactly.

...Meanwhile, a customer in MY store grabs the female employee’s without permission, is clearly not all there mentally AND pulled a gun on me once, and all corporate thinks is appropriate is to ask him not to do it again.(And I’m sure it’s probably a given, but he is white)

Since he didn’t make any direct threats, it’d be questionable how much they can do. For all I know, the cops stepping in to warn him might make it worse if they don’t take it seriously enough. I’m hoping that corporate that will take all the info and present a strong enough case to the cops that it’ll be taken

Yes, guns are inanimate objects until the person holding them forgets that the safety’s off and their finger brushes the trigger. Also, unless you’re in law enforcement, security detail or doing something where you might legitimately be a target of someone else with a deadly weapon(guard for a armored bank truck car,