
Listen, if you manage to make WAL-MART look like a sympathetic company because of your actions(or lack there of), you’ve done fucked up.

“A duty to file criminal charges exists only when our office determines that the admissible evidence is of such a compelling force that it would warrant a conviction after considering the most plausible, reasonable and foreseeable defenses...”

I feel like there’s a joke about the amount of white lies that come out of this administration, but it just feels too easy.

Great; like us Giants fans needed MORE reason to be embarrassed by our team...

Yeah, and what happens when they realize they don’t have chips in their, “perfect” society? Totally fucking anarchy.

I think this clip from The Simpsons perfectly sums up the Nunes memo expectations and ultimate impact. Starring Devin Nunes as Big Butt Skinner!

Lemme just tweak this...

Alright; my time to shine as a professional white person! Let me take a crack at this!...

Sorry, but one point on this story sticks out for me almost as much as the lack of police response. A 16 year old girl was going somewhere three hours away with almost no notice, and her sister didn’t say, “Hell no!”or even asked what she was doing there? Unless this is a regular thing, that should’ve been a signal to

Now playing

You fools! Haven’t seen the classic Leslie Nielsen documentary Wrongful Accused? Why would we want such deadly hunters to be even faster?!

...Can’t tell if you’re trolling or if you really don’t understand that telling someone to find a comment thread on Twitter without any additional information is like telling someone to look for a particular grain of sand on the beach or to look for a particular needle in a needle factory.

Speaking as a white dude myself, I gotta say; either I was raised really well or really terribly depending on your point of view. I would never pull shit like this, and it was made clear to me via proxy(my two older brothers) what would happen if I stepped out of line or behaved inappropriately in the wrong place.

I’m gonna ask my fellow white guys; when do you think you’re going to be called a racist? Because 99.999999% of the time, the only time someone’s going to call you a racist is because you are doing something that at MINIMUM looks really fucking racist. In fact, I would suggest that if the thought of being called

Gah; this is a tough one. I have no problem believing that a high-profile filmmaker would take advantage of his fame and position to try and curry sexual favors; at the same time, I also have no problem believing that the CoS would have no qualms about making up some false claims to ruin a former member. I would hate

It’s crap like this that really makes me hate how the law ignore common sense sometimes. I mean, yes, technically the judge was right to toss these cases on the merits that no one had been harmed by them yet, so it was essentially correct that these laws hadn’t hurt anybody yet... but come on; really? Could he

Ah; so you had the same reaction to that e-mail that I have whenever my brother invites me over to dinner; it’s gonna involve you carrying someone else’s weight and it just isn’t worth your time.

So... normal news day?

A woman once yelled at me in a supermarket for my, “poor customer service attitude”. Except I didn’t work there; not just that department, but not for that company. Maybe don’t use your fellow grocery store shoppers as a point of your article, is what I’m saying.

Is it a bad sign the only reason I recognize Paul Sorvino was because he was in like a season and a half of Law & Order?