
I just have to appreciate the ironic timing of the news report on the radio about the guy being charged for plowing into a bunch of people with his car AS this idiot launches himself into traffic.

Wow; this guy doesn’t leave mushroom, clouding out any sense of light and hope in the world.

“You can’t do good and be poor at the same time,” Millender testified.

I’ll admit this is the first I’ve had any encounter with this story, and I don’t even know where to begin with this idiot’s actions. How the hell did he think this was going to end using a taser on someone on an ATV at high speeds? He could’ve killed any bystanders or even himself if the ATV swerved into him after the

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You know, I never thought I’d say this, but Aerosmith may have had the right idea after all..

I work retail myself, and especially during the holiday season it can get a little crazy. And especially in a big chain store, you’d be surprised how often ideas and products that sound genuinely stupid to anybody with half a brain sounds like the best idea to a higher up who’s never actually worked in a store

Battlefield 3: I love FPS, but I also suck at them. To be honest, the only FPS where I ever had a k/d ratio greater than 1 was COD: BO3, so that should give you a good idea of my skill level. Still, I do have some moments, and this one was definitely one of the most memorable.

Do we have a full, original flyer of this anywhere? I only ask because, giving how low Republicans are sinking to try and elect Moore, I honestly would not be surprised if they made this and are trying to pass it off as Jones’ to turn black voters off to him. I mean, look at that guy’s face in the picture. Who in

You’re obviously not an Alabamian preparing to vote for Roy Moore, then.

In a normal world, someone who has this many people calling them a pedophile usually gets ostracized. While I’ve come to expect Republicans will put party over country, I don’t think many people expected them to put party over children. But hey; better a pedophile than a Democrat, right?

Florida. This happened because Florida.

Honestly, I feel like this piece is being intentionally harsh to Riot for little reason other than to be harsh. While I agree that they should have policies in place to handle when their players do something wrong during a match or at a tournament, can you honestly say they could’ve predicted this kind of situation

You know, you could’ve just saved a bunch of time and explanation and just said Boatghazi. It is and forever will be the reason why Odell Beckham is blamed for pretty much everything.

There’s a lot, a lot that needs to be addressed with this situation, and while the police’s response and killing of a teenager is certainly one of them, I also think we can’t let our rage and anger over a death caused by police wash over a whole lot of other questions that need to be asked.

This is a perfect example of the crap that’s always mystified me about racism. What the fuck did these guys think was going to happen when they did this shit? And what exactly did they think they were going to gain from doing this? Are they so blinded by their racism that really couldn’t stop and think, “Huh. I really

Good on the cop who got the chief on tape saying this racist crap. While I’m sure there are gonna be a few officers who are pissed with this guy that essentially caused said chief to quit/retire, I’m also wondering how many other officers are relieved this is out in the open now. Turning on the guy who’s basically

Great. Now I’m probably gonna end up on some terrorist watch list since I’ve watched the Detective Conan episodes that dropped on Netflix...

Us New Yorkers ain’t gonna take no bull!...

I have physical proof, video evidence, and otherwise seemingly irrefutable proof of my family’s mistakes where they try to blame me for their actions, and I always get the, “I must have misremembered” excuse too. It’s crap then, and probably crap here too.

When I first read the headline, I was hoping this was something more along the lines of a woman who turns into a wolf-like beast who vents her frustrations on not-so innocent townsfolk and has to try and balance and family life as her family starts to realize how much she really does for them and come together to help