
“It is truly astounding that Donald Trump can’t even perform basic human empathy for the amount of time it takes to make a condolence phone call.”

Speaking as a New York resident myself, I knew nothing of this but have absolutely no doubt that there would be this kind of clusterfuck of communication between state government officials.

Maybe it’s just me, but I probably would’ve found this cop unfit for duty long ago after he PISTOL WHIPPED someone!!!

How the actual fuck do prosecutors, people who you would have to assume at one point at least had a desire to uphold the laws and help victims of crime, become O.K. with throwing said victims and witnesses in jail for longer than the criminals who made them witnesses/ victims to begin with?

Serious question here; can I still call out stuff as white people shit or nonsense as a white person myself? Like those Cookout t-shirts; I think if I saw someone wearing one of those shirts, I’d have a hard time at the very least not sighing heavily and shaking my head at them. Would I be in the right to call them

While I know it’s not the point of the article, does anybody body else find it ironic that our white supremacist in chief fits the latter two definitions of slave quite well?

If all things are equal(and yes, I know they’re not when it comes to, well, really any non-whites and the criminal justice system, but pretend with me for a moment), I don’t see a way you couldn’t charge Long with something. He did make a flamethrower in a public space; I’m pretty sure most people wouldn’t be totally

Wait; Family Guy lied to me then? Because there was a scene where a man asked to be excused to go do some, “black guy stuff”. No way; next you’re gonna tell me they also don’t have portable TV’s in their afro’s that they’re perfectly fine with people behind them watching.

While I was out with co-workers at a restaurant, I ordered a burger. It didn’t come with bacon as I ordered it, but they added it to my burger anyway. When the waitress asked if I was O.K with that, everyone of my dozen+ co-workers immediately glared my direction. I could see it in their eyes; I was being judged. If I

In a way, I understand the school’s position. It’s hard to argue that they need to do something about an incident that happens off school property, like trying to hold the school responsible if they got into a car accident off campus.

As a normal human being, yes. Legally? Maybe. The prosecutor may be able to argue that, with the battery on the victim prior, the suspects clearly had intent to kill. Then again, too much time may have passed and a defense attorney could try and argue there’s two separate incidents because of the time that passed

No argument here. The charges might still be amended later to include attempted murder; the police may have just wanted to be sure they got these assholes on something solid. But yeah, the law’s a joke sometimes, and not even a funny one at that.

This is one of those times where logic and the law don’t mesh well. One could pretty reasonably infer that they were attempting to kill the people inside the house, but a good lawyer could argue they were only trying to damage property/scare the residents without meaning to hurt them. There’s definitely a case for

Not directly related, but my older brother’s used to tell horror stories about my grandmother and her penny pinching ways. They used to get dragged around when she baby sat them to a half dozen different stores where only one or two items would be bought at each one because that’s where it was cheapest. She completely

I guess he was using the Hulk Hands in place of gloves?... I can’t imagine what else his plans involved.

I think this is emblematic of a lot of the problems male sexual assault victims must face. Without context, seeing one man beating the shit out of another looks pretty damn awful. Unless you actually watched the grope go down yourself, it’ll be hard to understand what the hell is going on. It can be especially bad if

Of course there’s going to need to be further investigation and review, but if the facts as they are right now stand I’m going to say this was a justified shooting. Unless, “running over a cop” is found to be, “fleeing in the complete opposite direction of a cop”(and sadly given the way cops have handled some

Wow. It’s a little frightening whenever someone responds to taunting or questions with threats of rape. At least Trump just threatens your freedoms when you question him.

Now playing

Immediately thought of Drew when I saw this. How accurate do you think these rankings are?

Regarding the Starbucks orders; I’m with you, with a couple of caveats.