
Regarding the dog item; would you consider an anthropomorphic wolf demigoddess sketch on the same level as a dog picture? Asking for a friend.

While I agree stupid is colorblind, it does seem like white people are way more prone to sue over their own stupidity.

After reading AJ’s question, I’m wondering if it’d be in poor taste to advertise my e-book that parodies a World War Z scenario by replacing zombies with cowgirls...

While I do agree that Colin’s original reason for protesting is getting muddled and that SI cover is bullshit, the rest isn’t so easy to parse. Yes, the NFL as a whole is probably looking forward to all the good press they’re going to get from this, but at the same time, what else were they supposed to do? Hell, for

So I guess the original reference was too inside baseball?

I’m incredibly torn about this. On the one hand, telling the Patriots to go screw off is always a good time. On the other hand, as a NY Giants fan, I loathe our normally inferior brother team that uses the stadium with our name on it(while also ignoring that at this moment the Jets are doing better than we are.).

Is Weiner TRYING to be the worst person in the world? I still think his dick played a huge part in getting Trump elected(after he supposedly had copies of Hiliary’s missing e-mails), and now this on top of all his other sex related issues? I think we may have actually found a white man no one will redeem.

5 bucks someone says, “He never would’ve been shot if his father hadn’t run from the police” or some variation on it within 24 hours on a major news site/channel. I’m certain it’s already been said on social media a million times.

Excuse me, Patrick, but I think you need to apologize to Tina Belcher for stealing her story.

Recommendation for future articles like this; just refer to the assualter as, “male”. That way you can still get the point across while differentiating him from good, actual men(and let’s be honest, humans in general) without so many air quotes.

I wish this logic was also applied to questions at retail. Maybe I wouldn’t drink so much, then.

Wait, wait, WAIT! You’re saying it’s possible to not love someone but not hate them either? That you can dislike individuals without condemning the whole group they may belong to? How?... I can’t...does not compute....

Dude; no. You’re either a huge moron or you knew EXACTLY what you were doing. Probably both.

It’s stories like this that make me wonder if being a racist asshole is a requirement for having a good professional life or if it just seems that way. In my 32+ years of life, I once got sucker punched by a POC. That’s about the extent of my negative interactions with POC, and I’ve lost track of the number of times

My mother, after years of me having only a ratty looking Tiki Barber jersey, decided to get me a new one for Christmas. She bought in November to make sure she had it on hand.

Seriously? What kind of idiot would look up during the...

Oh, come now. Surely we’ve ruined WAY MORE than just 20 things.

You’re right, they shouldn’t. The problem I suspect is that the cops who DON’T do their jobs sometimes get into their fellow officers head, making it seem like all cops are under attack and not just the shitty ones. They don’t suspect they may be being used as a shield for bad cops looking to protect themselves. They

Correct me if I’m wrong, but during the Vikings playoff game that ended with Blair Walsh’s shank; weren’t ALL the Vikings points in that game off field goals? Yeah he missed the big one, but he was also the only reason the Vikings were in contention in the first place.

After looking this all over, I do ultimately agree with both the cops actions and the passenger’s alarm at how he’s being treated, while also saying the cop’s lack of explanations FOR said actions and the passenger going under the seat in the first place were both really bad choices. I also agree with the people in